How Clan I help you? looking for honest dedicated gamers to form a long term clan

- Ryan
- 17
- Massive Newcastle United fan!
- Put over 3000 hours into the last 3 FM's about 1500 on fm13(yes i need to get a life).
- Free most evenings but my shifts rotor a lot really hope this isnt a problem and can work around it!
- Very committed and serious player but also a good laugh ;)
jean claude attard
i support milan
i have been playing fm from 2010 and have never stopped playing.ordering it every year
avaliable most of the day as i am a student
ryan and jean im glad your interested however at this point i have assembled a team that is at the limit numbers wise really .... but please keep an eye on the thread as should i lose 1 or 2 faces i will be recruiting via this thread and you both will be the first names approached! really sorry to have to let you down at this point as you both seem like you could be valuable members of the group .... we have a team brief at 6:30pm this evening and should anything change numbers wise then or over the coming days i will be persuing you both .... i hope you find a good group if it is not with us
well thank you to all who showed up and made it a good night :) it was a shame to see a few didnt make it or contact so as there was a surprise turn of events and we launched the first network game at 8pm unfortunately those who didnt show up have lost their places. keep an eye out for my posts in the future on the off chance i am looking to recruit however it wont be for the foreseeable future as i am hoping the current net game will be a long haul save. peace guys and im delighted with the good group of characters we have assembled!
just in case anyone has forgotten, game session begins at 7:00pm this evening i will be on slightly earlier if anyone wants to chat and the game will be pre loaded so we can make a quik start. see you there lads!
We finally got to a game last night lol xD See everyone at 7 again