How many countries/leagues do you load?

England-All down to League 2

Scotland-All down to division 3
Argentina - Second Division
Brazil - Third Division
England - Blue Square Premier
France - National
Germany - Second Division
Holland - Jupiler League
Italy - Serie B
Spain - Liga Adelante

Large Database

Estimated Game Speed - 2.5 stars

Player Count - 50,000
With my previous load, I went on holiday for 10 hours, I only got to October 2011.

I havn't noticed much improvement in quality of regens from africa or south america, so I may not load all of those nations, instead I'll go into editor and increase their youth facilities a notch or two. I find it hard to believe western africa only produces MAYBE one good regen a year.
England (League 2)
France (National)
Germany (3. Liga)
Italy (Serie B)
Spain (LIGA adelante)