How to insert Facpack to FM 2012 ?

ive got the packs working although the team logos only work when you select the team. when viewing a league or a fixture they are still the default badge. any any ideas?
Facepacks aren't working for me either, I didn't download mine through this site I got them elsewhere and they are fmf files? I presume whoever made the files named them so to be "football manager faces" but either way they're not showing up. I've tried everything that has been said above and none have worked.

I remember on FM10 somebody saying that it matters how you installed FM, whether via steam download or via disc install. Any help is appreciated.
for .fmf files you need to use the resource archiver that comes with fm
for fm11 its in
C:\Program Files\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2011\tools\resource archiver
for fm12, i have no idea as i dont have it yet
use that then place the folders in the normal place, my docs / fm12 / graphics
XD Never had a graphic folder so i created one, put my logos in there, done always reload skin but never works. Done it so many times now. would just like to buy game with it all on.

I use megapack 3.0 and put it into "graphic" folder in FM 2012. Tick off Use skin cache and on Always reload skin on confirm but the facepack didn't load at all. I need some help here.
if you can't get the faces or logos to show in game....goto preferences / general and make sure your "user data folder" is set to the same place you put the graphics. i was having the same problem as a lot of people here until i found that. changed it to the default and placed all the graphics in there as explained in the instructions, now it works perfectly....
the first facepack i downloaded was 3.3 which worked fine but i downloaded only the updates of 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 4.0 and 4.1 and not the original ones. (because i thought the updates would be fines) but these are not showing up on my game only the ones from 3.3 which i had already are showing up. should i have downloaded the original files or should the updates work?? whats up?
So you only have downloaded the updates and never the actual pack ?
If you got 3.3 complete packs and then the updates they should all show up fine
you are copying and pasting all the images and config from the updates into your megapack folder and not the whole update folder itself ?
i have the complete pack for 3.3 yes and 3.4-4.1 are just the updates. they were all extracted to User(Your Name)/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2012/graphics. would i be easier off just downloading the 4.1 complete pack and getting rid of the other one or what else can i do?
yeah you have done it all right so far :D
You should have 1 folder with 93,000 images and 1 config in User(Your Name)/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2012/graphics
do you have that ?
in my graphics folder i have a few files obviously. i have the folder faces which 3.3, and 3.4-4.1 updates are in what is 1 config?? sorry it just wasn this hard when inserting the faces before. i just need it explained to me in my terms ha.
You should have one folder with all the images from 3.3, 3.4 - 4.1 not a folder with the update folders in them if you get what i mean lol
and the config.xml file is what fm needs to read the images, you should only have 1 of these in your folder
i get you now, kind of. but i only have 3.3 complete pack. 3.4-4.1 a just update packs. like 3.3 is in a seperate folder and so is 3.4 and 3.5 etc but there all in the folder faces. there is no config.xml file and the images from 3.3 work before and i cant find the config.xml file. i was just gonna download the 4.1 complete pack and hope they would all be in that but it was taken to long to download. which facepack is the best do you think? i like the square glossy ones but i want faces for more or less ever player in the game which the cut out one has.
Copy and paste all the images from 3.4, 3.5 etc into the 3.3 folder
so you end up with 1 folder with all the images in it. then make a new config with FMXML or just download the 4.1 new faces only update as that should have a config.xml in it
Oh that sounds like it might work just doing it now, it takes time. i found the config file aswell so hopefully this works. quick question, some of them a coming up that some files have the same name, will i copy and replace or will i copy and keep both??

my editor opens up but always hangs(freeze) when its almost done loadin the default databasa....please I need help ASAp
And you thought this was the right thread to ask in ....
I have a problem with the instructions. People claim that "install in My Documents" again and again, but this year, because the use of Steam is mandatory, after installation I at least don't have any Sports Interactive folder in My Documents anymore. Just the separate Steam folder with the game files in another hard drive altogether. So, how do I proceed?

EDIT: Sorry, it seems the folder was hidden...
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