I am just asking for an opinion

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Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
Well, today sth really nasty happened with my little group of friends.
We are 4 guys, 16-19 years, and today we decided to go in the train station, in that room and play guitar. The main reason was that the room has a wonderful resonance and the guitars sound crystal clear.
We did that, started playing (2 guitars on us). We had a bunch of song lyrics and tabs with us so we were prepared to spend some time arround there. Bit by bit, it turned dark. Couple of days ago some sick wierdos came in that same room and picked up on one of my friends because of his long hair. That was nothing (although they spitted on him!! they were 25+ years, heard rumours: 12 brothers, living out of the town, remotely, crazy ppl, used to being in prison)
That passed. For 2 days we stayed off the train station, but we said, wth, how can we be afraid at 300m from our homes, so we went on again.
As i was saying, it turned dark, and, bang, those same sick wierdos with killer's faces went in again. You should've seen my face on that.
The following moment, they ordered silence. I say they ORDERED not they told us to be quiet. I am still trying to figgure out, were those humans? Probably trying to impress, they threw the box from mah guitar onto the ground and threatened my "haired" friend with a "knife", wich, eventually turned out to be a lighter. Ofc, now that we knew what was about them, we were all pi$$ed and scared. What can 4 lil' guys do to 3 babuins with no brain? Well, almost nothing.
Afterwards, a friend wanted to leave. "You're not leaving anywhere!" Full Stop. "Gotta go get my guitar home, i'll be back" - "GET THE F ON THE SEAT!!". My friend found himself almost flying, being carried by the hand of one of those wierdos. They caught a so-called "hate" on that friend of mine. They were doing humiliating stuff to him, like "when i tell u to turn your head to the right, you do, got it?" - *no answer* - "Turn your head to the right!" - *no answer* - "DO IT!!", and he finally did turn his eyes a bit. The orgolio in him was raging, but he knew if he would start a fight, it wont be good.
They kept going, "torturing" us with various stuff. They were taking our guitars, pretending to hit us with them, they laughed, and so on. They asked for our phones, wich ofc we had to show them (or else..), and they ended by Ordering us to play. Eh, when that happened, the Train Station keeper (let's call him TSK) went inside and told us all to go out.. I came out last, the TSK was looking at me and i sliiiightly told him "He has my guitar!! Call the police!!", at wich he made a sign from his head, letting me know that he got it. Well, he might of got it, but he didnt call no police.
So here we were, outside the train station, surrounded by some wierdos. They then tried to get along with us, "let's go have a drink", stuff like that. Me says: "gotta go, homeworks and stuff..gotta get my guitar home", etc. Him:"Well, i guess i'll take your guitar then..". Ofc i had to say "Ok, i'll go". The brilliant thing about that was that one of my friends had the oportunity to get far enough to run. That was the key. The wierdos got a bit scared "Let's go home", "hand these fine guys the guitar", etc. Except for one of them who was pretenidng to shake hand with me and slapped (badly) one of my friends (the orgolious one) by surprise. They insisted us to shake hands, and they let us go.

Why i sayed all that, because, i am very curious what would happen with those 3 guys if they would do that in your country. If u weren't patient enough (understandably, lol) to read all that^^ i'll brief the brief: 4 wierdos badly picked up on as playing with us and trying to steal everything we had.

I'll tell u what happens to them in Romania, after u tell me so u can make the difference! Thanx for ure patience!

E: Did I type all that? 0_0
unfortinitly in this country(uk) they may get a little telling off from the police but thats aout it and thats only if they can be bothered to follow up on the complaint..
I'm gonna tell u what happened further.
We went to the police station, angy and scared (we could show it now, we were "free"), and, what a surprise, it was closed. That, ofcourse, left us in a bit of a shock. What were we supposed to do? Phone call, I say. Phone call we did.
"Hello, how may I help you?" - "Well some guys picked up on us in the train station, they kept us in there for almost an hour and then one of them hit a friend of mine" - "Ok, we'll send a crew to see what's up, Thank You" *hangs up*. Now tell me, what could be up after the whole mess was over? The fact that they hang up really bothered me, because i was realising i am afraid for my safety in my own neighbourghood and nobody would do anything! Sucks, ha?
Well, about the birbe, it is a real option arround here, but let's assume that we've taped the guys and we have all the proof of what they have done. We go to the police, we announce the event, the policemen call the guys who did this and in the best case, i repeat, IN THE BEST CASE they will get a little fine and will be left to get home and sleep peacefully.
How does that make me safer? No **** way, it actually gets the situation worse.
The weapon option is a real one, so, after i told my dad about this i asked him to give me one of those paralising sprays, because when my "crew" is not arround (and i obviously cant win a fight with that man), i can use it for safety.
It kinda sucks how we get back in the jungle days, and to be honest i thought this problem was only in Romania, but as far as i see, it's extended.
This ain't the most common subject to do a 1st post on a gaming forum but I found your post out of curiosity, read it all and I feel like I should reply.

In my country, Portugal, those guys "PROBABLY" (if caught) would have just been issued a payment caution and some comunitary work (wich probably would never be done). However by laws bullying and crime attempts here can be punished with a few years of jail depending on the background of the guys and the severity of the crimes.

Now on a personal oppinion, if I was there I would have probably punched someone in the face even if that made me take some punches as well, I just don't accept to be robbed by someone and let them think "jackpot". Once in the metro some guy tried to steal my mobile and after seeing my negative reaction to even showing him the mobile he started to threathen me, it ended with me threathning him and he eventually went away. (And to this day I don't know how I did not **** my pants as I was scared to ****)
we tried different methods like reverse psychology (say something nice about them are shake their hand and introduce yourself when they come in (no need for them to get to know your real name though ), ask them why they do it. All kind of these (welcoming, heartly CONVERSATION STARTING) things which they won't expect (cause they expect afraid "teenagers"), but none of them worked. The frustrating thing about this is tha fact that we were doing some inocent stuff..like playing our guitars, and i don-t know why they wanted to "play" with us. maybe because we're different. i don't understand.
My opinions =

Learn English

Stop being a smelly moshin' ****

Keep your smelly Mariyln Manson songs in your own home instead of playing them in public

stop being such a lil *****
My opinions =

Learn English

Stop being a smelly moshin' ****

Keep your smelly Mariyln Manson songs in your own home instead of playing them in public

stop being such a lil *****

That's a respectfull comment isn't it? Shouldn't moderators give the example instead of acting as trolls?
your an absolute **** gregor im sorry, thats the problem with the U.K, the police dont do ANYTHING, they will be doing it again and again, they should have a 3 Strikes and out rule, this means that you have 3 minor or major offenses then you go to jail no matter what, you could get arrested for stealing a packet of ham 3 times and your in prison
im sympathetic, mate. c'mon gregor, no need for the harsh comments :)
he should be stripped of his moderator status, i never see him helping out, all he ever seems to do is throw **** at people
he should be stripped of his moderator status, i never see him helping out, all he ever seems to do is throw **** at people
Just ignore it,the poor guys thread has already been ruined enough i think.
I happened to read your post, and that sucks mate. Only thing you can do is stand up to them though, otherwise it won't stop as they'll keep getting away with it.
wow. this thread did not turn out how i expected it to when i first read it about midnight
awful if any member responds like that let alone moderator.
first, i'm sorry for my bad english...not being a native english speaker isn't an excuse
as for gregor, try to write you post again...in other language than english.
second, yes. i am a big *****. i know that world it's not perfect, i know it's ok not to be safe in your own neighbourhood(even though it's a quiet one), but i have hopes, maybe because i'm to naive to accept things the way they are.
it's sadly because in a eu country you have to stand up for yourself.
after that experience i learned something...you have to take atitude.
c'mon mate. ignore the negative comment. im quite glad that such incidents do not happen in my country as such offenders tend to be punished heavily. just let it go, mate. hope it doesnt happen again to anyone else in future. (A)
I read your post, and I have to say, that must have been horrible. In England I think it would have just gone to the back of a pile of paperwork and never seen again.
Police in England never do anything useful. They are a complete waste of space at time (No offence if anyone is working in the Police here (A)), they just say "Yeah, we'll get right on it when we can". & Saying "when we can" means when we can be bothered. To be fair they probably do get a lot of cases to deal with, but still.

Gregor that was a retarded comment and wasn't even needed mate.
Gregor you are bang out of order. If you dont have anything constructive to say then dont bother next time.

The police in this country seem to have less control than ever. Too many quote about their rights but if your a victim of crime you seem to have none nowadays and the crims seem to have it their way.
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