I am just asking for an opinion

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You're not a ***** mate. Things like this have happened to me before and it's ******* scary. A guy pulled a knife on me once and just seeing it makes you **** yourself. People can say "I'd have layed 'em out" but you can't say that until your in the situation.

'I'd have layed 'em out'

Your a ****** for a moderator aren't you?

This is way old, no point having a go at Gregor when you're about 2-3 months late, just leave it.
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Some people are C*nts! but if you are 16-18 you are not kids when they were "torturing" your mate ; you really should of used your Guitars as weapons smash them in the knees and they would of gone down like a sack of spuds. Then RUN!
One of the better 'controversial' threads on the forum.
is the kid even alive.. he hasn't been active for months :'(
I know Gregor apologized and stuff but still I haven't see him help someone or even being appreciative I think Joe should be replaced with Gregor's mod status. Joe always helps everyone. Haven't seen that on Gregor. A moderator saying such stuff to a newbie in this forum and who has just written down a long story of his day. C'mon Gregor, I am imaging me in his situation - I would never look help from this site anymore ...
I know Gregor apologized and stuff but still I haven't see him help someone or even being appreciative I think Joe should be replaced with Gregor's mod status. Joe always helps everyone. Haven't seen that on Gregor. A moderator saying such stuff to a newbie in this forum and who has just written down a long story of his day. C'mon Gregor, I am imaging me in his situation - I would never look help from this site anymore ...

Already said once..

This is way old, no point having a go at Gregor when you're about 2-3 months late, just leave it.
I stick by what I said, if youre gunna be a creep and sit playing guitar in a train station youre gunna attract attention, infact youre not attracting it youre seeking it.

If youre too much of a ***** to say or do anything when attacked verbally/physically then you deserve everything you get tbh

man up and say something, dont come crying on a forum
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