I am just asking for an opinion

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I think the police do a pretty good job in Britain compared to other countries, for example, we have got rid of hooliganism, Italy haven't. I think a major problem is that some defence lawyers are very good at there jobs so many criminals don't end up in prison.
My opinions =

Learn English

Stop being a smelly moshin' ****

Keep your smelly Mariyln Manson songs in your own home instead of playing them in public

stop being such a lil *****

Wow, you ignorent fool.
At least he's made an effort to try and learn another language and speak it well.
It's one of the most insulting things to criticize someone when they have learned multiple languages and you probably know one.
I know you don't like the forum anymore but stop being a **** about it. If you haven't got anything constructive to say then i suggest you take yourself & your Malcolm Middleton **** elsewhere.
To be fair to Gregor I do agree with what he said, apart from the English thing, although it was worded terribly and makes him sound like a ****.
Maybe you should find somewhere else to play your guitar huh...

The police probably wouldnt do anything about it in the UK, what do you expect them to do, the prisons are already full, and I am sure there are more pressing issues for them to be adressing than the problems your having. I am sure there big problems for you, but looking at the larger picture the police probably get 1000's of calls a day about stuff like that and they dont have the resources or time to deal with them all individualy.

The best thing to do would just try and find somewhere els to play and stay out of those guys way.
You're such a **** sometimes. He's not even English yet speaks it better than you.

Sorry for the l2Enlgish comment, I scanned your post as the english wasnt great, but considering youre not, it was good so didnt notice you mention Romania at the end of your post. Sorry

he should be stripped of his moderator status, i never see him helping out, all he ever seems to do is throw **** at people

I've been a member of fmbase since 2002ish, if it wasnt for sean, lee, redders and me this site would be dead, granted ive not been around properly in almost a year, but I dont really play FM much these days.

awful if any member responds like that let alone moderator.

Gregor you are bang out of order. If you dont have anything constructive to say then dont bother next time.

Like lee said I should have worded it differently, you dont know me, my humor etc. However I stick by what I said, if youre not looking for negative attention dont sit in a very public place and play guitar especially the inside of a trainstation in winter which is where people want to wait in relative peace for their train as its fecking freezing atm.

Also I 'dont be a lil *****', i stick by this. Im ginger therefore used to get a lot of **** just walking around from neds etc, but I never took it, I always said summat or if they were up for a fight, I faced them. Ive went face to face with peole at least 5-6 times and never had the **** kicked out of me despite the fact I cant fight for ****, theyve always backed down because theyre all talk

Wow, you ignorent fool.
At least he's made an effort to try and learn another language and speak it well.
It's one of the most insulting things to criticize someone when they have learned multiple languages and you probably know one.
I know you don't like the forum anymore but stop being a **** about it. If you haven't got anything constructive to say then i suggest you take yourself & your Malcolm Middleton **** elsewhere.

Lol how you say dont bother saying anything if youve not got anything constructive to say and then in the same sentence say take your Malky **** elsewhere, in what way is that constructive or even relative, nevermind to this thread but to these forums, when have i ever when on and on about Malky?
gregor, you had the balls to say sorry and also fight your corner. i respect that.

your first post wasnt great but its all forgotten now. :wub:
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That Mod should be stripped of that status tbh, if any of us said a comment like that we would be threatened with bans etc.

In Ireland if that happened the Garda (Police) Would do sweet **** all. Most of us would of fought back, including myself. Mainly because I have too much pride, as do most Irish people. If anyone tried to start on me and my mates like that we wouldnt stand and do nothing, we would tell them to "F off or else". Would of fought if it came to it. Unfortunatley most people I know have something against lads with long hair and pick on them aswell. I know better not to its mostly the pikeys and scumbags from Dublin that do it, my town (Gorey) is full of them now. And as JDM said, you stood your ground and I respect that aswell.

If they ever annoy you again just keep your pride, dont let them torture you or play games with you. Tell them where to stick it, if they dont like it tough. Although this is advice from a Irishman and we are known for our fiestiness lol.
Lol how you say dont bother saying anything if youve not got anything constructive to say and then in the same sentence say take your Malky **** elsewhere, in what way is that constructive or even relative, nevermind to this thread but to these forums, when have i ever when on and on about Malky?

It was quite funny reading this as you criticized the lad in the first post for his English, and this response is possibly worse. Plus the fact that English is your first language, if not, your only language.

It was relative seeing as Malcolm Middleton was number one in your 'My Top Weekly Artists' But of course you just changed it.
Simile to that around were I live in Liverpool. Little scruffs come over to you with metal poles etc etc. I personally have some tough guy brothers who have connections so I just say to em do you know who my brother is they go no I tell em they **** off, otherwise I'd be ******. I have got into fights with them however and this often turns into gang on gang violence, can be very nasty although I have only ever personally lost 2 fights. The police are twats and don't do much, if any good for communities (I mean I get pulled over around 5 times a night were I live because I wear a black coat, I mean wtf?). But yeah it's harsh but get on with life.
That Mod should be stripped of that status tbh, if any of us said a comment like that we would be threatened with bans etc.

No worse than what was said in response to my post tbh

It was quite funny reading this as you criticized the lad in the first post for his English, and this response is possibly worse. Plus the fact that English is your first language, if not, your only language.

It was relative seeing as Malcolm Middleton was number one in your 'My Top Weekly Artists' But of course you just changed it.

True its not great, its a forum post not an essay, its perfectly clear what im saying, i'd edit it but im sure you'd accuse me of changing it on purpose to have a go at you.

Still hows that relavant, if my sig was like the half the size of the page etc then maybe but I dont see how my sig is flooding the forums. It's changed because this is a new week, I dont change it, it automatically updates, and im sure it does on a Sun/Mon, so I havent just changed it.
This is arugument/ heated discussion is pointless I feel. The guy got into a sticky situation and luckily survived. If you live in N.Ireland, then chances are your going to get killed. The police do make an effort, they're just overwhelmed by constant violence. That's all I have to say
Well this is the most hateful thread I've seen a long time..
Crikey that was insane
Im not gonna pass judgement on anybody..(he who is without sin eh?)
For the OP, sorry to hear about your situation mate
Im from Ireland and I imagine all people have to deal with a certain degree of opression and general dickheadedness
2 months old, pretty sure he doesn't give a **** anymore.
My opinions =

Learn English

Stop being a smelly moshin' ****

Keep your smelly Mariyln Manson songs in your own home instead of playing them in public

stop being such a lil *****

Your a ****** for a moderator aren't you?

Also, a similiar thing happened to me, police work to get payed now, they dont get a rush from enforcing justice anymore.

---------- Post added at 12:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:12 AM ----------

first, i'm sorry for my bad english...not being a native english speaker isn't an excuse
as for gregor, try to write you post again...in other language than english.
second, yes. i am a big *****. i know that world it's not perfect, i know it's ok not to be safe in your own neighbourhood(even though it's a quiet one), but i have hopes, maybe because i'm to naive to accept things the way they are.
it's sadly because in a eu country you have to stand up for yourself.
after that experience i learned something...you have to take atitude.

You're not a ***** mate. Things like this have happened to me before and it's ******* scary. A guy pulled a knife on me once and just seeing it makes you **** yourself. People can say "I'd have layed 'em out" but you can't say that until your in the situation.
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