I Ask,You Answer!!

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Yuck..khans. :P

Nope can't say i have, I'd like to though.

Berlin or Paris?
prob Berlin as paris is to much of a womens city

for or against home nations cup?
before the Euro's i think

big plans for today?
Uni work :(, cs 2moro im playin cricket 4 uni 1st team at headingly, (well the indoor centre there) :D

New Bham manager???
Arsenal :D

woo Murali and james return :D

do you like Scrubs?
yeah, only just started gettin into it lately and its great :D

How comes so many old skool members have returned in the past few days??
cs they realised the errors of there way disappearing, or cs ad's banned :P

(nah scrubs is poor)

dream woman??? (some indie ***** 4 me)
Megan Fox. Or Rhianna. Or that bird out Evanescence. **** it theres loads, I aint that fussy....

Reckon Shrooms'll be any good?
nothing really dont need much

ever tried marmite?
yeh i used to like it but have gone off it

Ever streaked??? (4 the record i havent)
yea got drunk and ran up my street naked...luckily it was like 3am so nobody seen me...or did they :rolleyes:

ever watch house?
put your hands together my friend :P

last football match attended?