I Ask,You Answer!!

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bwt minute on dave once.

Sports personality of the year??
Erm its obv gonna be Hamilton, i don't know any of the other candidates but tbh there isn't any need to :D

Fave fruit?
Banannananananaanana or apple

bbc or itv?

Radio 1, or any other alternative??? (XFM ftw)
Radio 6 FTW :D

Are you coming to see Radiohead with me and gregor?
probs not

Radioheads best album??? (the bends 4 me)
None they all suck

Fave brand of baked beans? (Tesco or Morrisons for me :D)
ewww own brands suck

heinz ftw

fave flavour of crisps?
i agree, own brands of baked beans are terrible. :P

prawn cocktail

comedy or horror films?
comedy, horror have no effect on me for some reason, i just forget usually :S

favourite type of pie?
Hmm dunno, been listening to quite a bit of Edith Piaf at the moment though :)

Do you eat 5 of your fruit/veg a day?

why does sean look retarded in his pic? and why is there something wrong with his jaw
i don't think there's anything wrong with it? :S other than him looking super happy. :P ...walkabout? :P

what are you looking forward to most in 2008?
My 31st birthday. Yea right...

Going to take FML on when its fully released?
**** right. If I can afford it :(

Favourite De Niro film?
Hatton. (I know that Mayweather is the heavy favourite but I think Mayweather is a bit scared. Watch the 24/7 shows he always mimics the barking noise Hatton makes so that clearly gets to him. Come on Hatton!!!)

Same question as before.
Hatton, dno y, cs i dnt wtch boxing

what did you do last nite?