I lost 28 Pounds in Last 7 weeks

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Thats remarkable well done mate, any diets? sorry quite interested:)
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Thats remarkable well done mate, any diets? sorry quite interested:)

it is indeed very good, did you use any diets? wanna lend me some of those lost pounds :P, im on a weight gain and muscle building programme at the moment, turned my garage into a gym and working out every day barr saturday and sunday as dont want to ache on matchday, been doing so for bout a week with this protein formula called cyclone, can deffiently already see a huge difference.
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Crackin' mate well done. Saw the title of this thread and was about to infract/ban for spam and expected links to websites selling pills.

Any side effects from the Atkins? I have heard some things?

Did you have a book you were following? or is there information online?
I had a few dodgey spells yes......
I had a stage were I did not poo for a good few days (about 6-7) It passed its all normal now
I actually put weight on in first few days, but I understand thats your body adjusting to high protein.
Thats it really, I never had bad breath or any other famous side affects.

There is lots of on line support for Atkins on line, a site called Atkins bulletin board was a very helpful forum were I got all my information from.
I still have about another 9lb to loose to reach my goal weight, once I reach it its time to body build an work on my abs :)
Well Done Mate. I thought someone had hacked your account at first sight. Also Leeum those Protein shakes can't be good for you. I prefer to build up like a normal person...no cheats
Well Done Mate. I thought someone had hacked your account at first sight. Also Leeum those Protein shakes can't be good for you. I prefer to build up like a normal person...no cheats

aha i was working out for about 4 months mate without aide, and when your as thin as me its not good, i never put on weight because im very active and have a high metabolism, my dad used them for 1 year with no side affects but he was going the other way, fat to thin and muscle so....

im not like ultra skinny, but i am nearly there :P

and 1 week after using them i feel healthier if anything, my body doesnt really get much protein dietary wise.

i'll let results speak for themselves if i expierience anything negative i will mention.

also if its legal, its not cheating. therefore :P
I had a few dodgey spells yes......
I had a stage were I did not poo for a good few days (about 6-7) It passed its all normal now
I actually put weight on in first few days, but I understand thats your body adjusting to high protein.
Thats it really, I never had bad breath or any other famous side affects.

There is lots of on line support for Atkins on line, a site called Atkins bulletin board was a very helpful forum were I got all my information from.
I still have about another 9lb to loose to reach my goal weight, once I reach it its time to body build an work on my abs :)

Cracking, might take a look myself; wouldn't mind losing a stone or four.

I regularly go without curling one out for 2-3 days so might not make much difference, my breath smells like a farm and I permanently have a head ache, so I cover all basis before I start.

Did you set out a weekly plan then for meals? Did it cost much extra?
i think it's only right that you know Atkins can potentially have long term effects, obviously there are other factors but a low-carb/high protein diet increases pressure on your kidneys and increases the risk of cancer (pancreatic and colon is most common in people with diets high in protein such as red meat)

i am not bashing, i just hope everyone knows the risks, either way well done op
i think it's only right that you know Atkins can potentially have long term effects, obviously there are other factors but a low-carb/high protein diet increases pressure on your kidneys and increases the risk of cancer (pancreatic and colon is most common in people with diets high in protein such as red meat)

i am not bashing, i just hope everyone knows the risks, either way well done op

Thats true if you do not follow the diet correctly, if it follow it correctly its as healthy as any other diet.
For example I eat red meat no less than in an average balanced diet, my main meat source is chicken and turkey, and different types of fish.Red meat is on occasions.
Your at risk if you A don't do the diet right, or B don't exercise while doing it.
The common misconception is purely ignorant.

Redders, I roughly followed a diet plan I made myself, mainly it was just counting my carb intake, and cutting out ALL sugar.
Also no caffeine at all in first 2 weeks.
Let me give you a sample 2 days of what I ate while in induction stage.

Day 1

Breakfast - Mushroom omelet (sometimes with lettuce and red onion)

Snacks Through day - Either Cheese strings, or barbabybel

Dinner/Main Meal - Salmon Fillet Steaks, with Medertarian Style Vegetables (med veg pack bought from Morrisons for £1.50) The Vegetables are tomatoes, Courgettes, olives, in herbs, peppers, in olive oil. Chop up finely and Oven cook it the veg.

Other Snack - If Hungry - Mattersons Pork Sausage (Microwave it add mayo for taste)

Day 2

Breakfast - Bacon (3 rashers), Sausage (2), eggs (2)...mayo for taste (fry in olive oil.

Snacks - Same as day 1

Dinner /main meal - Oven cooked plain chicken breast, boiled broccoli, green beans, cauliflower (add butter to veg if needed for taste.)

Other Snack if Hungry - Cauliflower Rice with some Instant Iceland pre cooked chicken, all done in about 5 mins with just a microwave.
Cauliflower rice as the same texture as normal rice, and surprisingly taste good.

After first 2 weeks you can broaden your menu, including some yoghurt's, berries, and other non starchy fruit.
Also at this stage you can eat the Atkins indulge bars, you can buy them from most boots stores.
they are bit expensive but worth it as a treat every now and then.
If you have gone 2 weeks with no chocolate, this will taste like a Whisper Gold.
I tried the Atkins a few years back,the stomach cramps and blinding head aches where too much,plus you weren't allowed to drink alcohol which was the final straw.

Well done to you though.
Important part, never drink alcohol, saying that all diets alcohol is discouraged.
Kool mate might try that atkins fingy ma bob
Glad to see it has worked for you. Must take some real dedication to do that.
yeah nice job losing weight, i was huge and had to lose a load, i basically stopped eating curry, really good job mate
I have the opposite problem as I'm ridiculously thin yet I never stop eating and I've cut back the exercise just to put a bit of weight on. It sort of backfired as I'm not as energetic as I was but still really thin. I only tried it because I play keeper in school and I was struggling with high balls into the box as I was always out muscled. Then when I try and play rugby at full back I couldn't cover the ground to make the tackles necessary.