
Jan 31, 2014
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anyone else getting a ridiculous amount of injuries?!
google nik33 and look for his Fm14 fix.
On average a club will have up to 6 first team squad players injured, FM is no different.
Just so happens that the AI are consistently below average while I'm above it :D
3 injuries on one game to one team frequently is "common" apparently haha
Started my save, first game v anderlecht, rojo, Valencia, di maria out. Second game Rooney, mata, smalling.

Start with Shaw Rafael Carrick falcao evans out for 3+ weeks too.

Restarted save, first game Rooney, di maria, Herrera Jones out.

All injuries in both saves 1 to 6 months.

What. The. F....
Seems since the patch of of got worse, or at least in my experience. I had very few before but in the 5 games I played since installing the patch I have had 2 injuries in every game..
I was hoping to see this issue fixed, it seems it's not and it's getting worse :-(
Injuries have been getting worse since FM10, SI themselves that injuries were nowhere near bad enough during the FM Live beta and true to their word they've increased it in spades.
I was hoping to see this issue fixed, it seems it's not and it's getting worse :-(
Why would it get fixed? Nobody has bothered to upload a save where you just press continue and you get injuries by the dozen. Nobody has bothered to list what their training setup is, what tactics they use, what rotation policy or whether the players just came back from injury, wasn't match fit or were perfectly fit

. If people don't supply details, there's nothing to fix. I just started a new game. I had 3 players out max during pre-season. I took care getting players match fit and I eased the team into training rather than going full blast from the start.
Why would it get fixed? Nobody has bothered to upload a save where you just press continue and you get injuries by the dozen. Nobody has bothered to list what their training setup is, what tactics they use, what rotation policy or whether the players just came back from injury, wasn't match fit or were perfectly fit

. If people don't supply details, there's nothing to fix. I just started a new game. I had 3 players out max during pre-season. I took care getting players match fit and I eased the team into training rather than going full blast from the start.

So, I guess people addressing the bugs section of SI forum with screenshots and uploading pkm files is just some delusional fantasy of ours.
Always like a kind of typical argument like "Because I don't have problems, there is no problems" lol
So, I guess people addressing the bugs section of SI forum with screenshots and uploading pkm files is just some delusional fantasy of ours.
Always like a kind of typical argument like "Because I don't have problems, there is no problems" lol

Yes they are. Not a single person has uploaded a save or PKM. Not one. Not one person has uploaded screenshots of their training or how they used their players in matches.

1 person has uploaded screenshots of his league's injury table and he had 1 injury per team fewer than real life. He himself had only 3 or 4 injured.

So yeah, go be an idiot somewhere else. What's needed for these "reports" is a save game and info, not ZOMG trillion ridiculous injuriez.
Anyone with injury problems, go and report it, but upload your save and detail how you use your players in games. If they're match fit etc. Training they can see from your save. Even better if all they have to do is press continue or proceed to the next game and get hit by tons of injuries.

The vast majority of times, the injuries are below real life levels. For those of you with many, many players out, it might be some anomaly or bug that crept in, but they need that save game to fix it.

They need something to investigate.
5 extra players injured before I had played a league game, ridiculous.
I thought testers did investigate, maybe they are all just sitting quietly waiting a bunch of months for our saves to start working. Well, releasing the beta version a few months earlier instead of 15 days should do the work.

I started a save with a very high training workload on pre-season, like I always do: the result was 8 to 10 long term injuries. Then I started a different save but with a medium workload, the only difference was that my players stop having broken arms and legs and start having torn muscles or muscle dislocations, instead of several months of injury we improved to several weaks. Great !!!
Extensive tests have been done (more than a few users reporting a lot of injuries in one preseason, it'll be hundreds of seasons simulated), and the FM injury rate is slightly below that of real life.
I thought testers did investigate, maybe they are all just sitting quietly waiting a bunch of months for our saves to start working. Well, releasing the beta version a few months earlier instead of 15 days should do the work.I started a save with a very high training workload on pre-season, like I always do: the result was 8 to 10 long term injuries. Then I started a different save but with a medium workload, the only difference was that my players stop having broken arms and legs and start having torn muscles or muscle dislocations, instead of several months of injury we improved to several weaks. Great !!!
As Crane said. Injury rates are below real life. That's what SI found. They do test these things, you know.That doesn't mean that some anomaly couldn't have crept in somewhere. Finding it would be very difficult. ****, it could even just be unlucky. A few thousand of us all starting games would have a better chance of discovering this, assuming it exists, which is why it would be so helpful to report it and upload the save with as much detail as possible.
I thought testers did investigate, maybe they are all just sitting quietly waiting a bunch of months for our saves to start working. Well, releasing the beta version a few months earlier instead of 15 days should do the work.

I started a save with a very high training workload on pre-season, like I always do: the result was 8 to 10 long term injuries. Then I started a different save but with a medium workload, the only difference was that my players stop having broken arms and legs and start having torn muscles or muscle dislocations, instead of several months of injury we improved to several weaks. Great !!!

Really? Are you saying that is the same thing? Months and weeks? It means starting high is way too much starting load and starting medium is not so much but still more than the players can handle. It says it probably works, as the change in load brings out a significant reduction of injury severity, though since the change is not all the way the result is not all the way. Try another with light load.

I never go to heavy load and I've never had any injury problems. Always way below realistic (top 4 injured at the same time, many weeks with no injuries and maybe one 2-3 month injury per season), being the AI teams that have injuries piling up. This applies to FM05 & FM09-FM14, this beta I've played just one or two friendlies in each save because I've been working more on updating my FM14 database preparing to try import it into FM15 and one tactics experiment with the first friendly than actually playing. But while that means I don't actually know or pretend to know how it's in FM15, the injury whines (still got to see a bug report with actual info among the some injury threads I saw when going to report bugs) have been always there. Even in FM09 and FM10 which people here have mentioned as being much lower. So yeah, I expect someone in FM20 saying injuries got ramped up after the acceptable levels of FM15 and you can't expect me to be quick to believe threads about too many injuries that lack any save game as being reliable and not whines right from the start. If I go over the SI bug forum and see threads with proper savegames and it being investigated then I will start to believe there may be something about it.

Btw, once I made a report that was not about injuries but involved an injury in a pkm and was told they didn't know when the green cross injury happened if I didn't tell them, so I wouldn't be surprised if for this the savegame is what is really needed, rather than pkms.

There's also the issue of weird luck. I won't bore you with some examples of extreme luck I've experienced.
As Crane said. Injury rates are below real life. That's what SI found. They do test these things, you know.That doesn't mean that some anomaly couldn't have crept in somewhere. Finding it would be very difficult. ****, it could even just be unlucky. A few thousand of us all starting games would have a better chance of discovering this, assuming it exists, which is why it would be so helpful to report it and upload the save with as much detail as possible.

Sure, starting threads just to unleash some text lines with no support of a save game file or a pkm file is not helpful at all. The issue is there, it was also in previous editions and was fixed at the official release date or some next patch. But being fixed people would assume that it doesn't become a problem when a new FM comes out.
Really? Are you saying that is the same thing? Months and weeks? It means starting high is way too much starting load and starting medium is not so much but still more than the players can handle. It says it probably works, as the change in load brings out a significant reduction of injury severity, though since the change is not all the way the result is not all the way. Try another with light load.

I never go to heavy load and I've never had any injury problems. Always way below realistic (top 4 injured at the same time, many weeks with no injuries and maybe one 2-3 month injury per season), being the AI teams that have injuries piling up. This applies to FM05 & FM09-FM14, this beta I've played just one or two friendlies in each save because I've been working more on updating my FM14 database preparing to try import it into FM15 and one tactics experiment with the first friendly than actually playing. But while that means I don't actually know or pretend to know how it's in FM15, the injury whines (still got to see a bug report with actual info among the some injury threads I saw when going to report bugs) have been always there. Even in FM09 and FM10 which people here have mentioned as being much lower. So yeah, I expect someone in FM20 saying injuries got ramped up after the acceptable levels of FM15 and you can't expect me to be quick to believe threads about too many injuries that lack any save game as being reliable and not whines right from the start. If I go over the SI bug forum and see threads with proper savegames and it being investigated then I will start to believe there may be something about it.

Btw, once I made a report that was not about injuries but involved an injury in a pkm and was told they didn't know when the green cross injury happened if I didn't tell them, so I wouldn't be surprised if for this the savegame is what is really needed, rather than pkms.

There's also the issue of weird luck. I won't bore you with some examples of extreme luck I've experienced.

No, I didn't say it's the same thing, what I said was that the extension of injuries changed but not the amount of players injured. It's a bit irrelevant if I have 8 guys injured for 3 to 4 weeks or 3 to 4 months when I have 2 or 3 matches in a week. They're injured, period ! Does it happen in football ? Yes, rarely, but it does and if it does in football it should also happen in FM even to make us being more focused on our players training.

As for my experience, I've always use a hard work load in pre-season, starting physical and the balanced with no days off during matches and reduce to medium when season starts and I never had special complains, but this is something that happens after beta versions.