Is there a way of deleting this latest patch???

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Then don't complain. There is no need to be a loyal fan of a company, which is ultimately on there to make money. Rather than every year complaining that they are stealing your money, stop giving it to them in the first place.

I'll complain if I want to complain, thanks pal.
just download the cracked version :)

Promoting cracked versions of the game isn't tolerated on this site.

I've bought it because I'm a loyal fan. If this was my first football management game I'd be ****** and probably wouldn't go near this type of genre again.

Funnily enough, I did recently introduce someone to this series with FM14, and they can't stop playing. It's only ever the 'established' fans that ***** and moan about stuff they don't properly understand.


That aside, can everyone chill the **** out in this thread? In answer to OP, no, there isn't a way. Anecdotally I'm not sure why you'd want to seeing as this patch fixed the single biggest bug in vanilla and countless other smaller ones, but I'm not going to judge. Well, I am, but not a big amount! I guess you could try just straight up deleting the update folder in the Steam directory but YMMV, and I refuse to take any blame for what might go wrong. Back your **** up, yo.
I'm not happy at the new patch...But I will buy this game next year as well regardless. There's only 2 reasons why I prefer PC to console and that is Football Manager and the Total War Games And look what a shambles Rome 2 was..feeling unhappy at moment with this new patch but SI will sort it out..Felt like a beta tester since September for my 2 favourite games but WTF keep these brilliant games coming...
Promoting cracked versions of the game isn't tolerated on this site.

Funnily enough, I did recently introduce someone to this series with FM14, and they can't stop playing. It's only ever the 'established' fans that ***** and moan about stuff they don't properly understand.

You could say that. But you could also say its honest feedback constructive feedback from loyal players rather than the usual fanboy on here who usually replies with "tactics bro"
You could say that. But you could also say its honest feedback constructive feedback from loyal players rather than the usual fanboy on here who usually replies with "tactics bro"

Lol, really? 'Cause I see very little constructive feedback anywhere. Constructive feedback would be submitting bugs to SI and detailing the circumstances surrounding them to help them be eliminated. It is not sitting around going "hurrdurr I hate the gaem".
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