Hi there, first post, i have been reading the posts for FM13 since a couple of months and i was actively playing FM12 up until the 2nd of November.
I started unemployed and got hired by a second league Portuguese team; season expectations top half of the table.
First friendly against the reserves lost for 3-0, all goals scored by the same winger from the same spot (corner of the 18 yard box), i though i had Messi in the reserves but after checking his attributes he was obviously not good enough for the first team, interesting though, he has 17 in flair and 16 determination (Ruizinho its his name and the team Santa Clara).
During the next friendlies i noticed the defence issues that everyone is posting about and after experimenting i concluded that the CD's play better with duties of stopper/cover duo and the FB's are useless when in automatic duty.
After several matches and lying one before last in the table, surprisingly i have not yet been sacked, i have the support of the fans and the team, during all the matches i have been losing or drawing the assistant tells me my team is playing better and should be winning, i just can't seem to outscore the opponent. The end match team talk, when all the players rating is between 6.5 and 7.0 i tell them they were unlucky, against the assistant advice that they should have won the match but i am keeping moral high this way.
I can't manage to score or build chances consistently, i am playing with 2 wingers and 1 AF, the wingers can't manage to get past the opposition FB's, either outrun the ball or give up and pass it back to the CM's, then they stay idle in the corner of the 18 yard box while the CM's pass the ball around for it it feels like a looooooooooooong time (tiki-taka style) and when the ball finally reach them they are offside.
The only times i managed to to score was playing Attacking or Overload, Control and Counter don't seem to be that different and my team ends up by losing the ball stupidly and the opponents score, also can't keep or regain possession and the opponent manages to construct plays and score.
Player instructions don't seem to do anything, no matter what i change them to they don't play any different, or at least i don't notice anything different in their behaviour (i watch the game in extended and in the beginning i even watched full matches).
I have to say that i feel really stupid when i can't figure out what i am doing wrong or should be doing to get the team to at least outscore the opponent; i guess i need to take an real life manager course?!
Sorry for the long post and just to finish i want to mention the some things are exactly the same as the previous version, namely that your best players seem to get injured for half a season and the opponents team performance is allays the opposite of the betting of media odds, "face the impossible" means easy win for the player and "easy win" and opponents team of 10 Messi's
Thanks for reading