Jobless - The search for Glory

  • Thread starter Thread starter avaldeso
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Ok it seems that everything is falling into place, as we are strong at the moment!
View attachment 329454 We are Second in the league! Amazing!!

View attachment 329453 The tactic is becoming fluid and it shows in the match results! Even tough that I have one of my best players injure for the rest of the season we are solid!
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As i said before, had great result in the French Cup!! Completely dominated/Eliminated/Crush/Destroy the other team, as it shows below!

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We had great result in the league 3 straight games wins!
View attachment 329450View attachment 329449 And the motivation is high!

Next we have the French Cup, against a lower rival but without my 2 key players (DM: 1 injured and 1 suspended), for my formation the key player is always my DM! Is gonna be a very hard game!

My latest signing and last for the moment, as we are over our budget by $400 euros and getting into a financial trouble!
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The fans are starting to come see our games, i´m completely impress of the assistance!! I think that if we keep winning we will have in one game a pack stadium and this may solve our financial problems!
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Let´s keep it up!!

The first goal from here to the next 5 games it will be to maintain on top!!

I´ll keep you informed on how it goes!
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After 11 games without knowing defeat!
We finally lost, against a more powerful team, but we gave them a fight!
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We are still in the fight for promotion, nonetheless that the goal is to maintain the division! We are sitting in 4th place at the moment.
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We got our first sponsor, thanks to our run!
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Next up is the French Cup Seventh Round against a higher league team, let´s pull an upset!

I will not post until I reach January or February to advance faster in the game!

Until then! Cheer up!
Desperate, Depressed, Angry, I wanted to quit! (Still want to)

The team completely fall apart, also to my luck, I have my best players injured (4 players).
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The result i just want to cry!
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And thanks to this A*******les!
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They won and theres nothing more that i can do! That match was mine! but they are so freaking dirty and the referee didn't show any cards to them! i was so freaking mad that i almost throw my laptop! (It´s brand new and it almost cost me my divorce, my wife was hysterical when she saw it!).

We are falling behind in the league, The goal set by my board is to maintain the division, I want the promotion!

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Next post will be at the end of the season, I hope that my board sticks with me!

Still mad! hahahaha

Write you later!
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Tough luck avaldeso. I've ran into a lot of injuries too being in a lower league and not having the fitness and physio coaches. Stay strong though! I believe you can stay up!
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Out in desperation!

I made 3 panic buys!
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I think that one of the mistakes that i done, is that i´m building for the future, when i should buy more experience players to resolve the situation fast, but then again it does not go with my mentality!

Ready for the start of the second half of the season! will post when i finish this season or if i´m sacked!
I know that i said that i will update once the season is over, I still have 6 games left in the season, all of them are the most important in my short career as HC of Colomiers!
We been playing a lot better in the last 12 games and with a lot of luck too! 7 games where defined in the last minutes of the games, 4 of them to tie the game with a last minute goal, and 3 to win! just freaking amazing!
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The new additions where the magic touch that we needed! 1 Central Defender (7.15 ave. and 1 KEY goal, 1 back up DM and 1 Right Winger (3 goals and 6 assist).

We are save, we can at least keep the division, but I WANT THE PROMOTION! and we are so close to get that too!!
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we are tied in first place with RC Strasbourg! That´s why i was very angry when we lost to them 1-0, it was ours for the taking! We have 4 very hard games
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4 top 10 teams and one of those games will be against Strasbourg, time for some payback!! My best player (Goalkeeper) is out for the season! playing with GK just 16years old!!! let´s see how this goes!

I hope that my next post is to announce you that i won the promotion!!!
We did it! We are promoted!

But i´m not completely satisfy as we could have been champions! we lost some points in the last games, in the last 6 games won 2 tied 4!
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We finished in 2 place!

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The board renovated my contract, but they don let me go on coaching course!!!

The player with the best rating in the season is from my team, he was injured for 8 games thanks to an international game, but well i don´t care we are promoted!

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Now the idea in Ligue 2 is at first to maintain the division, secondly to add 2 players or 3 of much more quality, a Left back and Killer striker/left inside forward.

Will keep you posted!!!
UPDATE - US Colomiers - 2nd Season Ligue 2

After winning promotion to Ligue 2, i asked my board to let me go on Coaching Course again, and they said NO, i´m mad but that´s their decision, I don´t know if the game itself will lift my stats, but i sure hope so, If anybody knows how to do it, please advice.
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Once again we are predicted to go down! My goal is to stay in the division and hope that next season i can make a push for Ligue 1.

My project is solely focus on Youth, but i still need some senior players to support the young guns
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I added 4 players for the next season, Akpa Akpro it has the quality to help the team go to the next level (DL, WBL, MC), I added on a free a Striker, Bought very cheap a DC from Liverpool and from Monterrey one of the players that I have high hopes in real life to become a real force Erikson Llanes MC/AMC (Real Life can play BBM, even DM), since FM13 I always go a buy him and it all occasions he delivers! Let´s hope that this time isn´t different.

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The friendly games are set and the Ligue 2 Schedule is out, I will start against a good team FC Metz, so let´s start the Pre-Season!!!

Let´s Get it ON!!!
Sorry guys, I had too much work at the office and at home (being that my wife is pregnant with my second child, is more work for me).

So i continued the story with US C.

The preseason it was nice some new name (will post in another one, im not running the game at the moment)

So we started Ligue 2 BAD with a loss. But from there we got 3 Ligue wins and 1 Coupe de Ligue win (Big win), just to colapse against the team that i humiliated 3 days before, many of players where very tired, I had to play 3 fifteen year olds and well Karma is a *****! they got me bad!
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I know that we are just starting this season, but it looks very promising!
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Next post will be about my new additions to the team and more results. I will be trying something that i don´t usually do, but i want the team to play like the Barca of Pep (Tiki Taka) so i will use Kun Tactic (Big fan of his work!) so from now on i may prepare my self to lose some games along the way, but hoping that at the half of the season it will be completely fluid my tactic.

I´ll Keep you posted!

PS. She is the one that is putting me to work extra hours, I present to you, The next Mia Hamm!
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