Just gonna setup some feedback on this tactic
First thing is, the tactic works won npower championship with leeds and ended up in 9th place the year after. but..
Something about this tactic doesnt seem right to me.. first of all i believe that they play 2 defensive midfielders instead of centre midfielders and on your overall league statistics there is no Mesut Özil among the top of assists? He did finish top assist last year (2011/2012) and dont know if Di Maria plays as a Winger just because he made 15 assists in the league last year, more like a IF on support to me. Assist last season: Özil, 17 Di Maria, 15 Ronaldo, 12 Xabi A, 9
The last thing i noticed was the AML doesnt make a lot of space for the WB he doesnt run very often in the holes, Ronaldo very often comes in Center runs deep and outrun everyone and is easily one on one with the keeper.
A great tactic it is, but not sure if its what im looking for.