Karlowich - King of crosses. Valencia first season, 97 points in Liga BBVA!!!

That is amazing results. Especially for a team like Valencia.
So far I´ve got mixed results. But it will be better when its geled I think.
Thanks, and it is just getting better in the second season with 13 wins and 1 draw ind 14 matches :p who are you manager for?
Great !
I´m managing Arsenal for the moment. :)
cool:) Can you see a scrrenshot of your starting 11 and fixtures:)?
that is ok:) Buy Dani parejo to the playmaker role:) and put ramsey as the BMW. sell Carzorla and buy Yarmelenko:) and then play Giroud and Welbeck up front:)
Dani Parejo is possible. Yarmolenko has gone to Spurs I belive. I sold Giroud because PSG offered me good cash for him.
Besides, training Ozil into F9 was an easy choice.

But the suggestions was good. Little to late for it.

I will look into Parejo. :)

On another note. What matchtraining do you use?
Dai parejo is sick in this game. I just do the normal match training
Can yiu give me a screenshoot of your tactics page. Just wanna se something.
Nice, good luck:) please let me know if it works or not:)

a tactic that is not really effective for me. I did that with a few games but still the same problem: a very bad defense on some games and a completely ineffective attack
:/ that sounds bad:/ for me the defense is very solid and the offense i crazy. who are you manager for?
I'm gonna give this tactic a go on my tycoonish Valencia save. Will try to post some screens later today.