know one likes Newcastle??

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Feb 13, 2009
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I've just started my second season with Newcastle and during the summer i wanted a good midfield player but everyone i tried to get turned me down, i managed to get my money accepted for some good players but when i went to offer them contracts it had that the player had no intention to join Newcastle at this time.

Can anyone suggest any players you think might come??
You should be able to get pretty much anyone for Newcastle, in my second season i was winning everything, got into the top 10 clubs in the world. Now in my fifth season the only team regarded as higher than me is real madrid even though i won the champions league 3 times. Pretty much any player will come to Newcastle.
no-one likes Newcastle?...

I divnt blame em for not wanting to play for the bar-codes like.
Ill take all you dicks on! Middlesbrough .... worst place in the country! The guy who griefed Newcastle in the first place is talking like a geordie and SAFC is a mackem.... mackems are scum of the earth everyone knows that!
When was the last time the skunks really won something? Ive been to Newcastle loads of times by the way and its a **** hole,Glue sniffing and house breaking is a way of life round there,Boro has a long way to go to be as bad as Skunk town.
Actually i think youll find Middlesbrough was voted the worst place to live in england.... Newcastle wasnt even in the bottom 20, it was actually quite near the top. Maybe your just attracted to **** places? And so **** if Newcastle has'nt won anything in ages, we are certainly not going down. We have the biggest fan base in the country. And Middlesbrough are a championship side, you've long been waiting to go down and it'll happen either this season or next.
Ill take all you dicks on! Middlesbrough .... worst place in the country! The guy who griefed Newcastle in the first place is talking like a geordie and SAFC is a mackem.... mackems are scum of the earth everyone knows that!

im not a mackem, although i can see the Wear from my house, i live far further up the river than that.

as for the last time i went to Newcastle, it was for a stag do, we got chucked out of the first pub we went into (the Dog and Parrot?) for tying johnnies to the Stag (whats the crack with that?). Me and me mate got left by the bus and walked home, we got as far as Bowburn and then caught a bus into Durham then back to Bishop
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Boro, Newcastle, Sunderland for the drop... Darlo's the greatest North-East team!!!
Lol boozemaster.... the dog and parrot are you mad?

whats wrong with the Dog and Parrot? apart from obviously not wanting our custom and chucking us out. is a little like my local in Bishop... but cleaner.

there was a band on called "Rebels of the Flesh" an all girl rock band in their late teens/early 20's from Darlo, who wear very little and what they do wear is latex and leather... they've split up/got a load of fat mingers in the band now, rather disappointing really. this is a mag article i found from their old bass player Steph.


so like you can see this was the main reason for being in the Dog and Parrot. P.S the Drummer, the ropey one at the back is the only one left in the band. :(

So in reality we only went to Newcastle because a bloke from Bishop was getting married, and to see a band from Darlo,
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If this picture is anything to go by they look a interesting Band,pity thy broke up,it would of been good going to see them,for their music talents off course.
Alright then, your forgiven to going to the dog and parrot! lol
If this picture is anything to go by they look a interesting Band,pity thy broke up,it would of been good going to see them,for their music talents off course.

of course.

Zara middle with the pink hair is now a Burlesque model, Steph on the left sings in a band called Damaged Angel, Charlotte on the right, **** knows what she does, and the minger at the back still drums for the band.

ive got some photo's of them when i got them to play in my local for Halloween a couple of years ago, but the only photo's i can find are of me dressed as a huge pint of Bombardier.


in truth my costume was falling to bits by this stage, and had needed stapling to keep it on me.
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HAHA! Thats a great costume.I could of done with that the other week or a fancy dress party.Ended up going as Chubby Brown :P
Actually i think youll find Middlesbrough was voted the worst place to live in england.... Newcastle wasnt even in the bottom 20, it was actually quite near the top. Maybe your just attracted to **** places? And so **** if Newcastle has'nt won anything in ages, we are certainly not going down. We have the biggest fan base in the country. And Middlesbrough are a championship side, you've long been waiting to go down and it'll happen either this season or next.

newcastle is a ****** waste of space. look at your manager joke kinnear ooo sorry joe he's had a heart attack because he cant believe your that *****. and you cant say ***** about boro because your not far away from the drop.

tipicle geordie, stupid, deluded and ***** at football