Leicester's new Thai owners aiming high - Fazackerley

7mil for sigurdsson in the summer wasnt it? plus the other sales it must be a bit to be fair
sorry will but im not sure on stephen ireland,but i know van djik and some people from asia will come to leicester,just wait n see
Well, we're not are we?

We've sold Doyle, Kitson, Hunt, Shorey, Bikey, Sigurdsson and 2 more for £5Million +

So we're not skint, we just don't want to make sure we don't turn out like Portsmouth. We're one of the best ran clubs in England and have a Chairman thats in the top 50 Richest in England..

Still think we're skint?

Yeah but claiming there is money to spend like that is like a QPR fan saying they are one of the richest clubs in england whiles technically true, there is never any form of sufficient outlay on the club itself. Its unfortunate for such clubs, but hey owners gotta wanna spend