Liverpool taken over in FM

Okay, sorry, I am wrong, please forgive me, I was just shocked to see this title and disappointed by the contents as there is no way to tell section simply by looking at titles in the recent threads section. Sorry if I have offended any of you. (A)

But when you click on the thread it says just above the OP ''FM2010 General Discussion''.

<Please insert Billy Redrup facepalm gesture here>
thought you meant real life, people need to make it clear that they're referring to the game in the title :(
on topic, ive never seen liverpool get taken over so i'll give it a look

These false titles are killing me at the moment. XD

I thought it was true, infractions should be handed out to those who mislead with intentions to increase reply count on their threads.

that will make quite many infractions, i mean, check the stories section for misleading titles and you will find plenty :p

something like "form the bottom to the top" and then they post max two months and then they stop with the story, misleading? :p

i had (atleast) once Liverpool taken over by a tycoon, played in spain i guess, january 2010 they spent some big cash and then it stopped...
You lucky so and so about being taken over so quickly. I am in my 4th season and haven't been taken over, though a consortium is currently negotiating with Hicks to buy the club which is good news I guess.
I guess I should put this into the Saved Game thread. Cheers for adding your saved game Wayne.
Happened to me as well, was taken over by some rich middle eastern fella. Didn't get fired whew!