Hey folks - I am currently Torquay in League Two and I can't find a tactic to suit a lower league team - I know the general idea is to keep it simple (442) but can't find anything that produces consistent results - I have tried Goals Galore, XeNoN and a couple of others and I have a quick success and then fade badly - I'm sure having a substandard squad/coaches doesn't help but I have Jamil Adam who bangs em in but leak goals all over the shop.
I have looked on a lot of forums and everyone has tactics for Barca/Man City etc which look great but wondered if there was one for us lower league fodder
The biggest reason that the results are incosistant is that probably that you as a manager in your man management and the actuial players are inconsistant
I would still keep things simple and start with a formation that suits the team, not one that others have had results with. If you have quick wingers, then use them, if you have a strong FC that is slow, then dont put balls over the top ( direct t-balls from deep) etc etc.
I am just to post a new thread with a "KISS" tactic. Its a 4231 but the basis is the same. In there, you can have a look at the shouts that one can use and some tweaks that one do have to make to the preset TC settings