Madrid Loan Adebayor from City

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Good deal for all partys. Just the striker Jose was looking for.
Got a clause to buy him at the end of the loan if they won't, which usually means he'll be gone come the next window. Don't see him playing for City again tbh..
we got 25 million for him ! :D

Arsene Wenger is a genuis
Huh, he's very good player (just not good as team player), but than again we're talking about Real with Mourinho (just remember Etoo playing DL last year for Inter ^^)) so it could be win win situation.
Doubt he'll make much of an impact. Didn't think José would sign such an ego.
I don't believe Adebayor was anywhere near Mourinho's top 5, but he just happens to be a good striker who's available for loan, and Madrid are in dire need of one until the end of the season...
Anyway, if he performs, he'll must likely stay at Real, if he doesn't, well, he won't =)
Well, thats one less striker for City's bid for the Europa League.
Here's hoping that he won't become the next Drogba.
He wont play for City again..thats clear. Madrid buys him after the loan or then another team.
Mourinho seems to be settling for a 'poor man's' Drogba. If the Ivorian was 2/3 years younger I think Mourinho would be looking to sign him, and in Adebayor he has got a striker with obvious talent. Madrid can't really lose in the deal as they haven't paid a fee although it could be argued, do they need another misfiring, trouble causing striker? (Karim Benzema)
Madrid were also apparently astonished at the wages the Togonese man was on, which coming from Madrid must been he was on a ridiculous salary.
Santa Cruz, Bridge, Adebayor and today SWP is close to agreeing a loan move to Fulham - all are/have gone out on loan due to their ridiculous wages. With the possible exception of Adebayor, they are midtable/europa league level players. The question will be long term whether these players will accept less wages for first team football?
The question will be long term whether these players will accept less wages for first team football?

Well i think so..they didn't go on loan because they have big wages.´They want to see how they perform for them before making it permanent. All of those will probly sign a permanent deal in the summer with some team.
Robinho for example, took a pay-cut from 160k to 80k when he joined Milan. (if reports are to be believed).
Those here who doubt Ade's talent are morons. When he is happy and on form he is up there with the very best. Quick, Powerfull and accurate. He is unplayable at his best. When Mancini arrived at City there was an immediate personality clash and Ade spat his dummy out strait away. Not bothering in training and using every oportunity to bad mouth Mancini in the media.

So In affect Ade hasn't been a City player for the last year. We were just looking for a club to send him to. From what i hear Ade going to Madrid is the catalist for a huge deal coming the other way. Not sure who or even IF it will happen but i trust the guy who said it.
Adebayor was never Madrid's first choice. He was signed as Hanburg declined Madird's 2Million plus Friendly match bid. They had no other option as Ade is not even Cup tied. He will spend much of his time on bench and get his chances only when Benzema needs rest. You can't afford to drop points in that league so i doubt Jose would even try to experiment. Ade is just a back up striker, a costly one that is. One more ego in the massive collection of Egos in Madrid.

After saying this, i think Ade can do well in Spain. Just that he should get his act together. Wenger is ******* genius. Had he stayed with Arsenal he would have been much better striker than now. He was one of the best in the league with Arsenal.

This is just a hint to Fabregas. There is only one way after leaving Arsenal. ;)
thank God, what a waste of a fantastic player! was so glad to hear it last night while watching United come back and give Blackpool up the ***! oO)

Real have acquired the services of a great Striker!