could the lemmings be introducing a new member?? im sorry i think u miss understood ,u were saying about eboue being a cheat and i said he got a yellow card so justice done.
the reason why i said about docking points was because manu had got 3 points from city game when if the extra time had of been 4mins instead of 6.30sec then it would have been 3-3 a point each thats all i ment not that they should be deducted points for anything ok!(H)
so yes there was 6.30minutes of extra time, but we have already established it was correct, UTD scored in the 95.26minute, so by your numbers, there was then another 1minute 4 secounds, as owen celebrated for city to score.
and if utd deservs to be docked points, shouldnt arsenal be kicked out of europe, for edaurdo diving, giving them a unfair advantage