****, Marry, Kill

**** - Megan Fox - Just to say I have!
Marry - Larissa Riquelme - Id just break your rule about not sleeping with her! You can't stop me!
Kill - Emm Watson - Just the last one left. Would have come in handy if my glasses broke though.

You can break the rules. But then you cant win.
**** - Larissa Riquelme, I just hope she doesn't have an axe mark down there.

Marry - Emma Watson

Kill - Megan Fox.
I thought you normally do really ugly people in this game...?
Yeh, just thought i'd make it different and i think possibly more difficult to chose.

It's not really more difficult. They're all hot, so it's like Pepsi and Coke, men may state a preference - but in the end, they'll take whatever's on tap.