TacticOFtheYEAR, mate I have tried original V2 as well. Corners work better on V2 default version, they work as intended, short pass to striker and he attempts a shot or a pass to CM's. In this build corners still give some results, full back crosses to CM who shoots with foot (rarely), or tries a header pass to CB's, who then score, or some weird rebound can happen. I couldn't tweak corners so that ST would recieve a short pass.
However open play SS build performs better for me, more goals and better movement overall.
If corners could be tweaked I would use SS build, because I really like shadow strikers Just doing what suits my style. V2 original is no doubt awesome tactic and works really great.
However open play SS build performs better for me, more goals and better movement overall.
If corners could be tweaked I would use SS build, because I really like shadow strikers Just doing what suits my style. V2 original is no doubt awesome tactic and works really great.