How do I become a mod?
In a nutshell, you don't.
We occasionally decide that we need more, and so will select people we deem worthy. Basically if you are a regular contributor of quality content/help/knowledge and the scenario arises somewhere along the line where we need more staff, we might approach you.
In a nutshell, you don't.
We occasionally decide that we need more, and so will select people we deem worthy. Basically if you are a regular contributor of quality content/help/knowledge and the scenario arises somewhere along the line where we need more staff, we might approach you.
Will you consider only Modern Day Legends and Star Players or the likes of Backup?
Okay, thanks for the help.A backup is unlikely to have contributed lots of knowledge/content/help regularly, but we don't have set criteria.
We are not currently looking for staff.
How do I become a mod?
The kind of silly posts we have just had to delete are sure fire ways to make sure you don't become a mod.
The kind of silly posts you've just had to delete are sure questionable as to what sort of mod you chose.
Don't dish out what you can't take back.
I think you've read the tone of GodCubed's post all wrong. His post was tongue in cheek, poking fun at himself, as it could be argued that
''Become mates with the current mods, then make a few high effort posts and then wait til a new FM comes out.''
Is exactly what he did.
He's a very good staff member, and works for Sports Interactive to boot.
I think you've read the tone of GodCubed's post all wrong. His post was tongue in cheek, poking fun at himself, as it could be argued that
''Become mates with the current mods, then make a few high effort posts and then wait til a new FM comes out.''
Is exactly what he did.
He's a very good staff member, and works for Sports Interactive to boot.
The kind of silly posts you've just had to delete are sure questionable as to what sort of mod you chose.
Don't dish out what you can't take back.
No, sorry. It's to stop people posting massive images that will make the forum unreadable.
I've found an example. In this thread, the user uses the from computer option to upload it on FMBASE instead of a different image hoster (From URL). As you can see from his thread, his images are full size (as an attachment from FM BASE). When I choose the 'From Computer' option my images appear as thumbnails (see below).
View attachment 702037 (jpg)
View attachment 702038 (png)
While in this thread the users attachments are full size.
Any idea on how I can replicate what this user is able to do, which is post his images full size?
My story
Upload the image, then move the mouse over the image and double click.
I personally alway pick "full size" but while cropping and editing the picture in Photoshop, I keep in mind that the width of the forum windows in roughly 900 pixles so I scale them to being a maximum of 750 pixel across to make them aesthetically appealing.
It's not very intuitive and took me a while to figure out but once you do, it's second nature to you.
Feel free to PM me if you've other issues.