Sacking At Manchester City
Roberto Mancini have been sacked as the Manchester City manager for saying something about one of the owners wife/girlfriend, something along the lines of "Can you shove this scarf down my trousers", straight after he said it the owner wife/girlfriend went to her other half a told him the same thing, so Roberto Mancini gets the sack as manager of Manchester City
Odds To Be Manchester City Next Manager.
Martin O'Neill 9/3
Kevin Keegan 10/1
Harry Redkapp 25/1
Keith Millen 100/1
Fabio Capello 500/1
Other 1000/1
Justin Time Takes Over Manchester City
New Manager to the game Justin Time have been named as the new manager of Manchester City and he hopes to give Manchester City the awards they want. Justin Time has this to say "I've heard what happen to Roberto Mancini and I want to have a go at the job myself, I did have a hard time to impress the owners of Manchester City but they was happy to appoint anyone that will not do the same thing as Roberto Mancini did, I'm a big fan of Roberto Mancini, when I was younger and living in Italy I once managed to get his autograph, sold it since I think for £50,000 to some Italian geezer".
Time For Change
First for Justin Time is find a new assisant manager as Brian Kidd wasn't good enough for the job, so searched around and found David Kelly from Nottingham Forest to become the new assisant manager of the club.
Roque Santa Cruz on loan to Birmingham
Giuseppe Rossi from Villarreal for £19 million
Chinedu Obasi from Hoffenheim for £16 million
Nicolai Boilesen from Ajax for £700k