Most goals scored by one player


Nov 3, 2009
Reaction score
Hey just wondering whats the most one of your players have ever scored in a single season, because currently on my valencia game, I played Villa as a poacher and hes got 62 goals in 55 games along with 12 assists, and 16 MoMs :S and theres abput 5 games left. So im just interested to see what other people have got.

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That is amazing. Artem Milevskyi scored 48 in one season for me with Hull on 09.
I once played Klass Jan Huntelaar on FM09 and he scored 71 along side Robinho for City
most i have seen was on fm 09 was about consistency too adebayor on arsenal for 3 straight seasons average of 60 goals per season always top premier league scorer and top cl scorer
Jesus.. I don't think any of my players have ever topped 30 goals in a season, total.
i remember playing the 03/04 version and i dont know if it was a glitch but Claudio Pizarro scored 102 goals one season and then 104 the next!! Santa Cruz his strike partner was getting 60 and 70 too. I used to win like 9-0 every week. Must have been a glitch because nothing else has ever come close and i'll always remember it! On the recent versions David Villa is the most prolific for me
yeah he just finished the season with 69 goals and 17 assists lol
Wow nearly 70 goals.. nice. My highest was probably Amr Zaki on 09 for Wigan with 37 EPL goals, 43 in all competitions. Most on FM10 so far has been Aruna Dindane with about 27 in a season
David Villa had scored 57 goals in 62 games for me back in FM09. He is the best lone striker in the game IMO.
Wow might look at buying him then, mine was messi, i had to try barca on the new game an he ended up with 51 in all comps, i play with a poacher forward so he might be ideal. :D
boys u reckon poacher is worth having in a 4-2-3-1 formation as the lone striker cos i thought if ur playing with a lone striker he should be a target man or complete forward
I had Torres score 47 in 55 games in my first season playing 2010 and thought that was good but Villa getting that many is class might buy him and have them both up front see how that works out
Sorry to hi-jack the thread but can someone please tell me how to post a new thread, i have no idea how. Thanks a lot, and sorry for hijacking this thread.
fernando torres 30 goals for kilmarnock if youre wondering what leuge they are in its scottish i signed him and messi and steven gerrard also buffon in fm 2010
fernando torres 30 goals for kilmarnock if youre wondering what leuge they are in its scottish i signed him and messi and steven gerrard also buffon in fm 2010

Good to see someone found the editor <)
Lol, that made me laugh. :p
Interesting.. My Torres scored 46goals in 41apps. Still got probably around 8games to go. Could have hit 50+ apps if he wasnt injured. =x
well in fm 10 torres 62 in 68 ish van nistelrooy 45 in 50 and defedrico 48 in 60 40 as a sub that was just one season
wow, those are some high numbers
I tend to spread my goals around a bit
3 strikers with 60...ish(allt together)
Midfeild with a few
CBs with some headers from corners