MW2 Xbox 360 Random Discussion Thread


Apr 14, 2009
Reaction score

I asked Lee about this and he said it was fine.

Use this thread to talk about random discussion for the xbox 360 clan. Please only comment if you're in the clan or if you're going to talk about the current subject which the clan are talking about otherwise it will become a random spam thread which isn't the aim. The reason behind this was that the thread to apply for the clan was going really off topic but I didn't want to close it otherwise people wouldn't be able to join.

So yeah, chat away, but don't do any 1 worded posts like "Lol" or "Yeah" etc.

We should try and make a list of all the players strengths and weaknesses in the clan (be honest :p). I'll start:
GT: T 007 S
Strenghts: CTF, S&D, quite good at sniping, staying back and nearly always have a K/D ratio above 1 in games
Weaknesses: Headquarters and sometimes not a team player :(
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Gamertag - milla020
Strengths - Killing the mo'******* lol, KD over 1 basically every game(have had a few nukes) an all round player really
Weaknesses - not the best at SnD, dont really like holding back i like to just sprint in lol
GT: Ronaseal
Strenghts: Domination, Anything to do with defusing, capturing etc, Team Player, getting UAV's :), Riot shielding
Weaknesses: SnD, Headquarters, 3rd person, the amount of deaths i get, sniping
Gamertag - Maxx xD
Strengths - SnD, positive K/D basically every game, rushing, UMP45.
Weaknesses - Headquarters, hate it. Any LMG, holding back, patience.
Im going on MW2 now if anyone fancys a game
gamertag: DisturbedPlanet
Strengths: Search and destroy, SCAR-H, Intervention, TAR 21, FAMAS, DEMOLITION
Weaknesses: LMG'S, team deathmatch, capture the flag and free for all
Note: I hate private matches as i dont get **** out of it
Strengths: scar, granade launcher, knifing
Weaknesses:The game in general, k/d is appalling (around 0.3)
GT - BigAl241
Strengths - The occasional flukey shot to kill a few people
Weaknesses - Everything else.
GT: Ronaseal
Strenghts: Domination, Anything to do with defusing, capturing etc, Team Player, getting UAV's :), Riot shielding
Weaknesses: SnD, Headquarters, 3rd person, the amount of deaths i get, sniping

they are easy to get lol
GT - karnage4125
Strengths - Long range sniping, throwing knives, going rambo
Weaknesses - SnD, CTF, Awareness
tiraths your invites dont work

EDIT: Jinaakus, who is this
Gamertag: X LIVEaddict X
Strengths: Getting a good K/D spread in the majority of games,has a K/D spread of 0.8,can make bid contributions to his team.
Weaknesses: Search and Destroy,Capture the Flag,is more used to a good ol' Team Deathmatch than there being objectives.
Excellent. Thanks Max. (H)
me and chris were in a game this morning where some guy got 3 tactical nukes in a row :O
So annoying. XD You were good today mate. :) The riot shield owns. :D