I dunno, they were born in different places and I don't think FM is clever enough to use Athe~'s theory
. Also, that Fidel looks absolutely ****, for a regen, he is a striker with finishing 9 and tackling/marking 12 - wtf!?

I dunno, they were born in different places and I don't think FM is clever enough to use Athe~'s theory. Also, that Fidel looks absolutely ****, for a regen, he is a striker with finishing 9 and tackling/marking 12 - wtf!?
They are not brothers they are far releted cousins (for example their moms are sisters) that explains difrent skin colour and place of birth but still they are each others favourite persons and the same birthday is a coinsidence(i doubt that one twin would be 176 cm and other 187CM its a too big diference but for cousins it is very possible)
One black one white. Same mother two different fathers. My guess would be 2 on 1.
if they are twins they CANNOT be born in two different places..... you cannot move someone in child birth and seeing as though they are regens, I am quite sure the technology would be even better in 2017 and not on the back of a cart travelling from France to Martinique as it is an Island off France![]()
Half-brothers or cousins, but certainly relatives (hence the favoured personnel -- only relatives are listed as such for regens). Both look good, though the first may fare better as a winger so as not to waste his insane creativity, passing and crossing (just boost technique and dribbling)
Btw, You used FMRTE didn't you? At least to edit the stats.
5k for Fidel with better stats then his brother Ernst who value is 325k. Seems fishy.