New Forums

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Staff member
Sep 15, 2005
Reaction score
As you should have noticed we do have new forums due to hackers deleting the old forums database. My only backup was almost a year old so I decided it would be better to start fresh.

We now have a new version of vBulletin forums with better features which will make it easier and better to use.

So we are all starting fresh, enjoy.
It is a shame we had to start again really. Stupid F*****g hackers.

But you should of backed up the forum Sean. Eejit :p Anyway hopefully i will get back to the great poster and FM-Base will be a bit more lively.

Also People can't complain about the n00bs because we all are. :D
Yup nice to have my Internet home back up and running. Been wanting the newer version of vBulletin for a while so I suppose the hacking was a blessing in disguise (for the forum, not the main site). Gives us a chance to start again and hopefully get some of the members of old like Az and Paul to start posting again.
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I think its the exact opposite :(

I dunnow if I CBA posting TBH. Also all thoses legendary threads also i liked looking at my date joined :p im not really bothered aboutmy post count going
Shame really, but yeah it does give a time to start over.
I lost interest in the last site due to it becoming boring. Im back though and hopefully it wont have the same threads being duplicated over and over.
Hopefully it will take a while before lots of new members start signing up so for now it will be just the regulars posting. (Hopefully Jack won't find out about the forums.)
And if he does he will read that post and be heartbroken, shame you Lee. :)

I really feel the need to post here again so in a way im glad the forums are refreshed.
Yep I agree with Aaron on this one. Every other site seem to just spam every forum across the scene and even the rubbish ones get members and get lots of praise, even if they are rubbish. FM Base hardly gets any recognition, mainly because it's not very well known. Well it is but it isn't, know what I mean.

Any good Business Studies student knows that a Business that stands still will fail, growth is the key.
Aaron. Grr. said:
Sean, you lazy ****. Advertise this place. ;)

It's not ready yet. When it's all sorted I will do some sort of advertising.
Can I ask, what do all these little icons in our avatars mean and how comes some have more then others? I know the obvious ones such as Yahoo AOL & Msn messenger but the little shiny ball?
The little shiny ball is your online/offline status.

The scales allow you to give somebody some reputation.

You can find out what they are by hovering your mouse over them.
Shame about the old site being hacked, only found this out due to Redders posting it on his site ;)
Lee said:
Hopefully it will take a while before lots of new members start signing up so for now it will be just the regulars posting. (Hopefully Jack won't find out about the forums.)

cant agree more. I think ill start posting more. Hopefully all the spammers are gone..But now we are all noobs :mad:
i just found out too,itsa real ***** the old forums were hacked :mad:

o well, at least in 2 years time i will be one of the longest serving members :D
ajw said:
o well, at least in 2 years time i will be one of the longest serving members :D

Always thinking on the positive side Andy. :D
SupaJ said:
Nice to see you guys back.. maybe you should advertise the new domain around the scene a bit as I couldn't find you lot at all.

Nice job on the new forums Sean and good luck.
The site isn't actually 100% ready yet so we aren't advertising it yet. It only seems to be Redders telling everyone.
Sean said:
It's not ready yet. When it's all sorted I will do some sort of advertising.
It's about time, to be honest Sean. This site just been floating around the scene for far too long. It should be a lot more popular than it is.
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