It was popular back when it was just, and this site hasnt be reopened that long, cant be more than a week to be honest. I wouldnt have expected anymore members, other than the older regulars, to have signed up by now.
Kris said:Redders is advertising though.
Not on his own site. But every other forum going
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Users gain and lose reputation based on how their posts are scored by other forum participants. Users with the ability to affect reputation, will either give or take aways points by approving or disapproving with a post's content.
Lee said:Yup nice to have my Internet home back up and running. Been wanting the newer version of vBulletin for a while so I suppose the hacking was a blessing in disguise (for the forum, not the main site). Gives us a chance to start again and hopefully get some of the members of old like Az and Paul to start posting again.
Lee said:Hopefully it will take a while before lots of new members start signing up so for now it will be just the regulars posting. (Hopefully Jack won't find out about the forums.)