Nikolay Valuev vs David Haye

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Knock out by the way?

And Champion???

(I dnt keep up todate with boxing)

Look at my last post...
it has the points score... and in MASSIVE red writing, it says who the champion is!
Very close fight, i had it a Valuev win just about.
Haye was smart but i felt he was to negetive at times, but saying that what other way is there to beat him.
Last round was epic when he rocked Valuev.

Go on the Haye!
Tell you what if i beat a guy that size i would never let my mates hear the end of it.
Kris... I agree with that totally...
I think all in all Haye deserved the win, he got the most hits in, he rocked the massive man that is Valuev, and was consistent. He stuck to his game plan throughout the fight and made sure he didn't get hit. You can't lose a fight if you don't get hit.
Well done to David Haye... and I think he could be champion for as long as he wants... as long as the success doesn't get to his head.
Haye is such a better fighter but had to change his tactics form what he usually does because Valuevs 7 Stone advantage!Even though Haye is a better boxer, I thought Valuev just knicked it?
ricky hatton is by far the best

Your spammy comments are quite lame :P

Haye is an awesome boxer and your comment is completely pointless

Wish I didn't have work, would loved to have watched this fight!
klithickos( however you spell it) next for big dave haye, i think if he fights smartly he got a chance against either of them
I think he can beat them both... he managed to wobble the giant.. if he caught one of the klitchkos (spelling) with that left hook... they would go down.
Don't forget, he says he broke his hand in Round 3, and he still won the fight. Great guy, awesome for the heavyweight division. Will finally bring some excitement back into it.
He just sai he broke is hand because he won and looked **** doing it, it's all a show & put on mate.
I know, but even his trainer is saying he thinks its broke, and he's going for a scan today. So, either way, he beat a 7ft 2, 23 stone man in a boxing match. Congratulations to him.
Haye is by far the best and most exciting heavyweight in the division,i put the fight on last night and watched as Haye danced round Valuev picking his punches wisely,Valuev hardly landed a punch all night!
The klitchko brothers are exactly like Valuev,big,strong,lumbering robots! Haye has kicked Russki *** and he's gonna do the same to the Ukrainians!!!
The Klitchko brothers are way past it. But in their prime I think they woul level David Haye. They have much greater power. Haye is a good mover but drops his hands a bit too much. One of the best around these days tho not many good fighters in that weight division to be honest. Anyway personally I hope somebody shuts Hayes big mouth.
The Klitchko brothers are way past it. But in their prime I think they woul level David Haye. They have much greater power. Haye is a good mover but drops his hands a bit too much. One of the best around these days tho not many good fighters in that weight division to be honest. Anyway personally I hope somebody shuts Hayes big mouth.
Nothing wrong in having confidance in your own ability,mouthing off is a psychological thing to unsettle your opponant,to get inside his head and gain an advantage,although Haye is not in his league boxing ability wise he's quite similiar to Ali in the way he winds people up?
I think Haye will go on to dominate the division for a long time!
a pointless comment? i was simply stating that ricky hatton would beat either of these, no need to cry because i went off topic a little, i worded it a little poorly