lol errrrm I think I can guess why it doesn't work away

I think most people here are MAYBE looking for a tactic that will do everything. From looking on the forums I can guess that Raikan likes to tinker with tactics and has experimented with different ideas to give different philosophy's with the game. I'd guess this tactic is like it says - trying to create a dominant game with plenty of ccc's...Obviously this tactic is waaaay too attacking to control the game away from home, if it's even possible agains every team in this series. I hope you dont mind me adding my own 2 cents Raikan, but I changed my set pieces to my own style as I'd imagine that this tactic gets hit on the counter a lot, mostly from throw ins. I'd also guess that the mentality is so high to work with the high closing down and then to get the ball as forward as possible once in posession. I havent tried the tactic yet but am just looking through the set up and would feel it just needs to be slightly more cautious when away from home...
Maybe pulling the d-line back a bit and the defensive players mentality back a bit would be logical, but would obviously break the flow of the tactic...
Has anyone tried using two dmc's and bringing the amc into cm away from home? I'd think then you could bring the closing down back a bit with the centre backs but still have that protection in front of the d-line with the high closing down of the 2 dmc's. Although, good quick passing teams might pass around you too easy...
I think having the wingers man mark the opposition fb's and the fb's mark the oppostion wingers would help too. I do this and it shapes the defence a bit better. I never use the roaming though and so I don't know how the roaming and man marking would work with the wingers.
Through my experience the cb's also seem tighter using man mark aginst 2 forwards and zonal against 1 forward, but never on tight op i use tight marking always against a striker with good heading who ISN'T quick at all...also closing down always on any midfielder with good shooting and also on wingers
Could also be good to have the 2 cm's more with high tackling/workrate instead of creative midfielders to win the ball back...leave the creativity to the 4 front players. I'm no sure what players you favour?
It's always interesting coz I always opt for logic and then look at someone elses tactic and it seems to go against everything that would make sense lol I'd just imagine with such a high d-line and mentality the tactic would be hit on the counter very easily...
I'm amazed at how many different ideas you come up with, Raikan. Just creating one tactic does my head in lol
I'm guessing forward runs is in middle to hold players in position a bit more rather than running out of position and leaving the player on the ball stranded? But how come The cb's are on forwrd runs?