Orange Names?

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It's all our members that live in Essex.

Like a nice spray tan if you will.
im still.....White XD.

now the thread is colourful. blue, green, orange, and white XD
I know. I mean, I could guess. But I won't. Spam :D
contenders for moderation maybe ?
they've turned ginger... they no longer have souls
It's no biggie. We just own the moon now.
Blue looks so much better against these new orange names...Orange is a horrid colour.
Blue looks so much better against these new orange names...Orange is a horrid colour.

Agreed. Change it to the Pink colour used for the Premium heart and I'll be chuffed.
It's for those 'special' members, who need assistance.
So it's for those that have trolled the forum. I get it now. ;)
So it's for those that have trolled the forum. I get it now. ;)

Oh come on. Mike. is the only recipient of my trolling, and that's only because he has a paedo face in every photo of him ever taken.

Every one you can see his face in, anyway.
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