Our Squad Lacks Depth - Terry

they rely too much on drogba, terry, lampard etc..., and they should have replaced the likes of ballack and carvalho in the summer as atm it seems that some of their youngsters/backups are not capable of stepping up.
Chelsea don't have as good a squad as the rivals.(6)
as a UTD fan id say UTD have the best squad.:p
but as a football fan id say spurs have the best squad:D
they have 2 good quality players for almost every positon(H)
They need a new cb, QUICK, a new striker, also a new midfielder, ramires is just a flop
Your only doing it because your main guys have injuries.

There is too much of a gap between first-teamers and back-ups in the Chelsea squad.

No we have decided to start using out acadamy players not buying players.

they rely too much on drogba, terry, lampard etc..., and they should have replaced the likes of ballack and carvalho in the summer as atm it seems that some of their youngsters/backups are not capable of stepping up.

Not capable??? It is their first season in the first team, how quick are you to judge.

They need a new cb, QUICK, a new striker, also a new midfielder, ramires is just a flop

Its Ramires's first season in arguably the toughest league in the world, most Brazilians flop in the PL or takes them 1 year or 2 to settle in i.e Anderson!!
I have to agrre with Terry their. Once you get past their first 16 players, there isn't a lot.
No we have decided to start using out acadamy players not buying players.

Not capable??? It is their first season in the first team, how quick are you to judge.

Its Ramires's first season in arguably the toughest league in the world, most Brazilians flop in the PL or takes them 1 year or 2 to settle in i.e Anderson!!

Yeah but what about your back ups. Some of your back up are quite poor, an example would be if cech got injured and then you would have to play hilario or turnbull.
Yeah but what about your back ups. Some of your back up are quite poor, an example would be if cech got injured and then you would have to play hilario or turnbull.

Yer our keeper situation is bare but what team wouldnt miss their first team keeper. Utd without VDS would be worse off without a dout.
Yer our keeper situation is bare but what team wouldnt miss their first team keeper. Utd without VDS would be worse off without a dout.

Yeah of course we would be worse but we still have a decent replacement in kuzschak when he gets injured.
Yeah of course we would be worse but we still have a decent replacement in kuzschak when he gets injured.

Kuzshak has more expirence than Turnbull and Hilario but i wouldnt say their is much different in class between them.
We need just general cover, we can't rely on youth the whole time. However, our best side is one of the strongest if not the, in the league, but we have to have cover in our squad
I agree with terry. Theres not really much there at the moment, If one of the first team get injured the likes of Kakuta and Mceachrean (sp) don't seem to be quite ready yet
I agree with terry. Theres not really much there at the moment, If one of the first team get injured the likes of Kakuta and Mceachrean (sp) don't seem to be quite ready yet

Yer ok but how do you get them to be ready??
Loan them out, bring them in gradually, cup appearences, late substitutions etc

Thats what they got last season, this season they are back-up to the first team and im pretty sure them starting in Champions League games is much better for them.