Pentagon Challenge - The unknown student

Quite harsh indeed :(

I'm sure that winning the division last year will stand for something and some club full of promise will pick you up ;)
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I looked out the window of the plane and took in the sprawling cityscape of Chongqing, the 4th biggest city in China. I had received the call almost immediately after getting off the plane in England and had taken a while to consider the offer. Chongqing FC had played in the Chinese Super League the previous season but had been relegated and would now be playing in the First Division. Their relegation had seen their previous manager leave the club and they had directly head hunted me to talk about filling the vacancy. I was seriously flattered, and it was a big club! the stadium could seat almost 59000 people! I would have some money to spend and some wages to fill but I was seriously on my own this time. There would be no Jake.. No family friends.. No friendly chairman. Just me.
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I arrived at the Chongqing Olympic Sports Centre later that afternoon and met with the chairman, a Mr Yin Mingshan and Fan Zhiyi, my new assistant manager. They were both very quick to welcome me to the club and luckily Fan spoke English so my job would be made slightly easier. Once again I got sent home with a dossier full of the club information and history.

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