Team analysis

Gk. Roberto - is a good solid goalkeeper, not very good in "command of area". He is a bit weak under pressure. I recommend always to be encouraged at half time.

Gk. Fernando Henrique - don't use him. He has very high "eccentricity", he is very weak under pressure, his decisions and anticipation are both catastrophic low, also low composure.

DL Jose Holebas - not bad, he is fast, professional and consistent, but positioning 10, concentration 10, anticipation 11, marking 11, tackling 11 make him not very good in defending. I recommend to be used as rotation. Use Bong instead.

DL Gaetan Bong - he is fast, very consistent, good in important matches, better defender than Holebas, as you can see from his attributes positioning 13, concentration 12, anticipation 13, marking 12, tackling 13.

DR Miguel Torres - he has very good attributes as defender, but he is a bit slow, not very good in decisions and low creativity. In my save also he is has high injury proneness. I recommend to let him as rotation and use Salino instead.

DR Leandro Salino - he is fast enough, good consistency, good under pressure, good in defense and better than Torres in attacking (better flair, creativity, decisions). I would use him in firs team.

DC Kostas Manolas - he is not very consistent and not very professional. His aggression combined with high dirtiness makes him a good candidate for a lot of yellow cards and even for red cards. What worry me is his low attributes in concentration, decisions and composure. Not very good either in positioning. I would keep him in rotation, not good enough for first team.

DC Ivan Marcano - tall, very professional, good under pressure, good in heading and tackling, consistent. There is only one problem with this guy: he is left footed. If he will play on the left side and his center back partner is right footed, there will be a weakness in the middle of the box, between both centre backs. If the enemy plays in formations with a lonely striker (like 4-2-3-1, 4-4-1-1, 4-1-4-1), then the danger will be greater. To solve the problem you should play with a defensive midfielder in the center position.

DC Avraam Papadopoulos - fast for a center back, professional, consistent, very good under pressure and good in important matches. He have good attributes for a defender. The only problem with this guy is his high aggression and high dirtiness wich makes him a good candidate for a lot of yellow and red cards. I recommend to use "ease off tackles" in his player instruction during the matches if he gets an yellow card. This is a player for first team.

DC Dimitris Siovas - tall, average in many ways. Not good enough for first team. I would use him only in rotation, in case that Marcano is injured.

DM Delvin Ndinga - not very consistent, not very good under pressure. He is not very good defensive because its low attributes: work rate 10, decisions 10, determination 11, concentration 11, marking 12, tackling 12. He doesn't deserve first team. I would keep him in rotation.

DM Giannis Maniatis - you should use this guy in first team, he is very consistent and good under pressure. He has good defensive attributes.

MC Ariel Ibagaza - shame that this guy is so old (36+ years). He could be an ideal playmaker, very creative, a lot of flair, excellent passer, professional, consistent, very good under pressure, unfortunately he is very weak phisically. He is too slow and with low stamina, moreover he can be easily injured. I would use him only in last 20-30 minutes of a game, when he can make a difference.

MC Andreas Samaris - an average guy. Not bad, but not good enough for first team, I will keep him as rotation.

MC Paulo Machado - at first glance, he looks like a creative guy, but he has a lot of flaws: low decision, low composure, low team work, but what is worst is his consistency and he is not good under pressure. I would keep him in rotation, not good enough for first team.

MC Salva Sevilla - a creative guy with good attributes for a playmaker, but he is inconsistent. I would place him in rotation.

AMC Alejandro Dominguez - he is consistent enough to use him in first team. He is good passer, creative guy. He can play a lot of positions and roles, even striker. He has good finishing, long shots, dribbling. He is a real gem and you put him in reserves?

AMR Joel Campbell - he is left footed, so I would use him on the right as inside forward, or on the left side of the field as winger attack. The problem is as an inside forward he should have good finishing and good composure and he haven't. As winger he should have good crossing and good decisions and he haven't. I would say he is an average inside forward and average as winger. I would keep him in rotation

AMR Hernan Perez (former Villarreal) - his not fast enough as winger, not too good in crossing, so you have to use him as AML inside forward because his is right footed and he has good finishing and composure. He has low consistency, he is not professional and he is weak under pressure. Not good enough for first team, keep him in rotation.

AMC Michel Olaitan - he is not a winger, anyway he is not very good. He has low crossing and finishing, low flair, low decisions, so he is rubbish. Keep him in rotation.

ST Javie Saviola - I expect this guy to be very good, he is consistent, good under pressure, very professional, fast enough, good dribbling and finishing, very good firs touch and technique, good composure and anticipation, very good flair and off the ball. His weakness is heading and jumping, so don't expect he can handle float crosses in middle of the enemy tall defenders.

ST Nelson Valdez - finishing is a bit low for a striker (13), not very good first touch. He is a very working man, a real workhorse, but I doubt he will score tones. I will keep him in rotation.

ST Marko Scepovic - a tall guy. I would try to sell him. He had low consistency, not professional, very bad under pressure.

So, after I took a look of your team and players, is obvious that you take wrong decisions in selection. What happened with Vladimir Weiss, a very good winger? What happened with Kostas Mitroglou, a good striker?

Your team have a good defense, weak middle, no wingers and one good striker. Now you can understand why you were losing.

What opption you have? If you want to continue with these players, you will have a difficult task. I would start again and I would be more careful with transfers.

What formation
you should approach? Obviously you can have 4 defenders and I explain earlier, why you should use a defensive midfielder, to fill the gap between center backs. So, your formation should be 4-1-?-?. Now, I would skip the middle to define the attack. Your best player is Saviola and next best is Alejandro Dominguez. So, your formatin should be something like 4-1-?-1-1. The aritmetics shows that at middle should be 3 players, but here is the problem. How these 3 guys should be placed? Because you don't have good wingers I suggest to use only midfielders. Maybe they are not very good but they are many.

So your formation should be 4-1-3-1-1
Your selection should be:

What tactics?
Judging by your players I think the main problem is that your middle is very weak. If Saviola or Dominguez will receive the ball they will have good chances to score, but I don't think your middle will deliver enough good passes. Your players in the middle will have bad days, they will screw the passes, they will defend badly. However, your defense should be solid enough. In this case I think you should adopt a counter mentality and a fluid style. I wish to draw your enemy in a trap in your half. When the defenders will win the ball they should throw the ball to Dominguez and Saviola (long balls), over the middle. If your midfielders win the ball, they should pass quickly the ball to Dominguez - Saviola. You don't want to play possesion, because your middle could loose the ball with easy.

Team instructions
Fluidity - Fluid
Mentality - Counter
More direct passing (the ball should be passed as fast as possible in front)
Higher Tempo (they aren't good enough to keep the ball, so they should pass rapidly)
Hit Early Crosses (works very well with counter strategy)
Exploit the middle (very good when you play against formations with 4 defenders, Saviola can slip between both center defenders)
Drop Deeper (that should draw the enemy into your trap)
Use Offside Trap
Be more disciplined (this is for your weak midfielders)
Hassle Opponents (always you want to win the ball, to not let the enemy to play the ball)

Players instructions
Bong - Full Back - Support - Close Down More - Fewer Risky Passes (because his low passing I don't want him to play long balls) - Shoot Less Often - Dribble Less
Marcano - Central Defender - Defend - More Direct Passes - More Risky Passes (if you lost the lead)
Papadopoulos - Central Defender - Defend - More Direct Passes - More Risky Passes (if you lost the lead)
Salino - Full Back - Support - Close Down More - More Direct Passes - Shoot Less Often - Dribble Less
Maniatis - Anchor Man - Defend - Close Down More
Ndinga - Ball Winning Midfielder - Defend - Shoot Less Often
Sevilla - Advanced Playmaker - Support - Dribble Less, Close Down More
Samaris - Ball Winning Midfielder - Support - Hold position, Dribble Less
Dominguez - Shadow Striker - Attack - Dribble More - Pass it Shorter - Move into Channels - Roam From Position
Saviola - Poacher - Attack - Pass It Shorter

All this tactic is when you play away or with better teams.

When you play home or with weaker teams than yours you can change to second tactic.

Formation: 4-1-2-2-1. You'll use an AMR (Campbell) as inside forward insted of MCR and you'll obtain an asymetric formation
Team instructions
Fluidity - Fluid
Mentality - Attacking (or Control if you play agains very weak teams)
Shorter Passing (you will try to make your midfielders to pass a lot)
Pass Into Space
Drill Crosses
Exploit The Middle
Push Higher Up (your defenders are fast enough to resist to quick counter-attacks, but now you want to squeeze your opponent)
Hassle Opponent
Use Offside Trap
Be More Disciplined

Players Instructions
Bong and Salino will keep the same instructions as the previous tactics
Mercano and Papadopoulos - Pass It Shorter and remove anything else
Maniatis no change in instructions
Samaris will be on the left in MCL replacing Ndinga - Ball Winning Midfielder - Support - Fewer Risky Passes - Hold Position - Dribble Less
Sevilla the same instructions
Campbell - Inside Forward - Support - Roam From Position - Pass It Shorter
Dominguez- Saviola will keep the same instructions

What is intended with this second tactics is to pass the ball a lot, even your middle is weak. With weaker opponent should be there no problem to keep the ball and play it and to score.
Team analysis

Gk. Roberto - is a good solid goalkeeper, not very good in "command of area". He is a bit weak under pressure. I recommend always to be encouraged at half time.

Gk. Fernando Henrique - don't use him. He has very high "eccentricity", he is very weak under pressure, his decisions and anticipation are both catastrophic low, also low composure.

DL Jose Holebas - not bad, he is fast, professional and consistent, but positioning 10, concentration 10, anticipation 11, marking 11, tackling 11 make him not very good in defending. I recommend to be used as rotation. Use Bong instead.

DL Gaetan Bong - he is fast, very consistent, good in important matches, better defender than Holebas, as you can see from his attributes positioning 13, concentration 12, anticipation 13, marking 12, tackling 13.

DR Miguel Torres - he has very good attributes as defender, but he is a bit slow, not very good in decisions and low creativity. In my save also he is has high injury proneness. I recommend to let him as rotation and use Salino instead.

DR Leandro Salino - he is fast enough, good consistency, good under pressure, good in defense and better than Torres in attacking (better flair, creativity, decisions). I would use him in firs team.

DC Kostas Manolas - he is not very consistent and not very professional. His aggression combined with high dirtiness makes him a good candidate for a lot of yellow cards and even for red cards. What worry me is his low attributes in concentration, decisions and composure. Not very good either in positioning. I would keep him in rotation, not good enough for first team.

DC Ivan Marcano - tall, very professional, good under pressure, good in heading and tackling, consistent. There is only one problem with this guy: he is left footed. If he will play on the left side and his center back partner is right footed, there will be a weakness in the middle of the box, between both centre backs. If the enemy plays in formations with a lonely striker (like 4-2-3-1, 4-4-1-1, 4-1-4-1), then the danger will be greater. To solve the problem you should play with a defensive midfielder in the center position.

DC Avraam Papadopoulos - fast for a center back, professional, consistent, very good under pressure and good in important matches. He have good attributes for a defender. The only problem with this guy is his high aggression and high dirtiness wich makes him a good candidate for a lot of yellow and red cards. I recommend to use "ease off tackles" in his player instruction during the matches if he gets an yellow card. This is a player for first team.

DC Dimitris Siovas - tall, average in many ways. Not good enough for first team. I would use him only in rotation, in case that Marcano is injured.

DM Delvin Ndinga - not very consistent, not very good under pressure. He is not very good defensive because its low attributes: work rate 10, decisions 10, determination 11, concentration 11, marking 12, tackling 12. He doesn't deserve first team. I would keep him in rotation.

DM Giannis Maniatis - you should use this guy in first team, he is very consistent and good under pressure. He has good defensive attributes.

MC Ariel Ibagaza - shame that this guy is so old (36+ years). He could be an ideal playmaker, very creative, a lot of flair, excellent passer, professional, consistent, very good under pressure, unfortunately he is very weak phisically. He is too slow and with low stamina, moreover he can be easily injured. I would use him only in last 20-30 minutes of a game, when he can make a difference.

MC Andreas Samaris - an average guy. Not bad, but not good enough for first team, I will keep him as rotation.

MC Paulo Machado - at first glance, he looks like a creative guy, but he has a lot of flaws: low decision, low composure, low team work, but what is worst is his consistency and he is not good under pressure. I would keep him in rotation, not good enough for first team.

MC Salva Sevilla - a creative guy with good attributes for a playmaker, but he is inconsistent. I would place him in rotation.

AMC Alejandro Dominguez - he is consistent enough to use him in first team. He is good passer, creative guy. He can play a lot of positions and roles, even striker. He has good finishing, long shots, dribbling. He is a real gem and you put him in reserves?

AMR Joel Campbell - he is left footed, so I would use him on the right as inside forward, or on the left side of the field as winger attack. The problem is as an inside forward he should have good finishing and good composure and he haven't. As winger he should have good crossing and good decisions and he haven't. I would say he is an average inside forward and average as winger. I would keep him in rotation

AMR Hernan Perez (former Villarreal) - his not fast enough as winger, not too good in crossing, so you have to use him as AML inside forward because his is right footed and he has good finishing and composure. He has low consistency, he is not professional and he is weak under pressure. Not good enough for first team, keep him in rotation.

AMC Michel Olaitan - he is not a winger, anyway he is not very good. He has low crossing and finishing, low flair, low decisions, so he is rubbish. Keep him in rotation.

ST Javie Saviola - I expect this guy to be very good, he is consistent, good under pressure, very professional, fast enough, good dribbling and finishing, very good firs touch and technique, good composure and anticipation, very good flair and off the ball. His weakness is heading and jumping, so don't expect he can handle float crosses in middle of the enemy tall defenders.

ST Nelson Valdez - finishing is a bit low for a striker (13), not very good first touch. He is a very working man, a real workhorse, but I doubt he will score tones. I will keep him in rotation.

ST Marko Scepovic - a tall guy. I would try to sell him. He had low consistency, not professional, very bad under pressure.

So, after I took a look of your team and players, is obvious that you take wrong decisions in selection. What happened with Vladimir Weiss, a very good winger? What happened with Kostas Mitroglou, a good striker?

Your team have a good defense, weak middle, no wingers and one good striker. Now you can understand why you were losing.

What opption you have? If you want to continue with these players, you will have a difficult task. I would start again and I would be more careful with transfers.

What formation
you should approach? Obviously you can have 4 defenders and I explain earlier, why you should use a defensive midfielder, to fill the gap between center backs. So, your formation should be 4-1-?-?. Now, I would skip the middle to define the attack. Your best player is Saviola and next best is Alejandro Dominguez. So, your formatin should be something like 4-1-?-1-1. The aritmetics shows that at middle should be 3 players, but here is the problem. How these 3 guys should be placed? Because you don't have good wingers I suggest to use only midfielders. Maybe they are not very good but they are many.

So your formation should be 4-1-3-1-1
Your selection should be:

What tactics?
Judging by your players I think the main problem is that your middle is very weak. If Saviola or Dominguez will receive the ball they will have good chances to score, but I don't think your middle will deliver enough good passes. Your players in the middle will have bad days, they will screw the passes, they will defend badly. However, your defense should be solid enough. In this case I think you should adopt a counter mentality and a fluid style. I wish to draw your enemy in a trap in your half. When the defenders will win the ball they should throw the ball to Dominguez and Saviola (long balls), over the middle. If your midfielders win the ball, they should pass quickly the ball to Dominguez - Saviola. You don't want to play possesion, because your middle could loose the ball with easy.

Team instructions
Fluidity - Fluid
Mentality - Counter
More direct passing (the ball should be passed as fast as possible in front)
Higher Tempo (they aren't good enough to keep the ball, so they should pass rapidly)
Hit Early Crosses (works very well with counter strategy)
Exploit the middle (very good when you play against formations with 4 defenders, Saviola can slip between both center defenders)
Drop Deeper (that should draw the enemy into your trap)
Use Offside Trap
Be more disciplined (this is for your weak midfielders)
Hassle Opponents (always you want to win the ball, to not let the enemy to play the ball)

Players instructions
Bong - Full Back - Support - Close Down More - Fewer Risky Passes (because his low passing I don't want him to play long balls) - Shoot Less Often - Dribble Less
Marcano - Central Defender - Defend - More Direct Passes - More Risky Passes (if you lost the lead)
Papadopoulos - Central Defender - Defend - More Direct Passes - More Risky Passes (if you lost the lead)
Salino - Full Back - Support - Close Down More - More Direct Passes - Shoot Less Often - Dribble Less
Maniatis - Anchor Man - Defend - Close Down More
Ndinga - Ball Winning Midfielder - Defend - Shoot Less Often
Sevilla - Advanced Playmaker - Support - Dribble Less, Close Down More
Samaris - Ball Winning Midfielder - Support - Hold position, Dribble Less
Dominguez - Shadow Striker - Attack - Dribble More - Pass it Shorter - Move into Channels - Roam From Position
Saviola - Poacher - Attack - Pass It Shorter

All this tactic is when you play away or with better teams.

When you play home or with weaker teams than yours you can change to second tactic.

Formation: 4-1-2-2-1. You'll use an AMR (Campbell) as inside forward insted of MCR and you'll obtain an asymetric formation
Team instructions
Fluidity - Fluid
Mentality - Attacking (or Control if you play agains very weak teams)
Shorter Passing (you will try to make your midfielders to pass a lot)
Pass Into Space
Drill Crosses
Exploit The Middle
Push Higher Up (your defenders are fast enough to resist to quick counter-attacks, but now you want to squeeze your opponent)
Hassle Opponent
Use Offside Trap
Be More Disciplined

Players Instructions
Bong and Salino will keep the same instructions as the previous tactics
Mercano and Papadopoulos - Pass It Shorter and remove anything else
Maniatis no change in instructions
Samaris will be on the left in MCL replacing Ndinga - Ball Winning Midfielder - Support - Fewer Risky Passes - Hold Position - Dribble Less
Sevilla the same instructions
Campbell - Inside Forward - Support - Roam From Position - Pass It Shorter
Dominguez- Saviola will keep the same instructions

What is intended with this second tactics is to pass the ball a lot, even your middle is weak. With weaker opponent should be there no problem to keep the ball and play it and to score.
thank you very much gabis ....i will used your advise......and play like that...mitroglou and wiss in the new patch is not in the team..... :(
@gabis your'e really nice or you have way too much time on your hands |)
gabis i play two seasson first seasson i lost the league but second seasson i win the league with 14point from second...but in CL i do only one win and 3draws two losses....thank you again with your analisys...

Here i've started a save with Olympiakos and Sheffield Utd. Please read's blitz, with commentary from me and others. We are working on a good tactic, and i put some "requirements" about page 7-9. Give it a check.

And yes, it's not plug&play in that matter. You have to see your team play. How they react, where u can be stronger.
supreme tottenham tweak working good ....with olympiakos no transfers......