Police criticized for "unlawful" methods following Drug barons arrest

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Were the Police correct in what they did?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 65.9%
  • No

    Votes: 8 19.5%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 6 14.6%

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They will get life imprisonment... Life over here is 15 years.. they only actually do 2/3's of their sentence so they will be out in 10 years, somehow I don't think they will be old.

What papers have you been reading? Life imprisonment here is 40 years, with reductions if the crime is not as heinous and for good behaviour. The MINIMUM is 15 years, and it's very rare that gets handed out for a clear-cut murder case.

My father is a policeman so now maybe you will understand my arguments against stuff like this. He tells me stories about what he does every single day, he actually worked in the drug squad for a long time, working undercover, following people, etc. I know what they have to go through.
Fine, but I was arguing about how you set out your argument, not the argument itself. Maybe if you put forward this anecdotal evidence instead of just being hypocritical I wouldn't have criticised.

I'm somewhat in between the two conflicting arguments regarding policemen, with a strong leaning towards admiring rather than hating them. Whilst I can admit they're not perfect, they're **** good at what they do. Our police are good enough they don't need to carry guns, unlike other police forces across the world.
Wasn't just referring to student protests. There's the May Day "protests". And students do work. And if school kids are at student protests, says a lot about their future doesnt it. And out of curiosity, how have the police destroyed peoples livelihoods?

yeah it does say a lot about thier future, how bleak it is looking that they feel they have to do these things to try and make a difference, because no one at the top cares :) well, the people who have died, and the big amount of people that have been injured or had thier lives permanently changed due to police brutality, thats destroying lives. the people the government have screwed over, losing jobs, losing houses, having thier lives torn apart. back to the police, they dont care, they get the feeling of being a 'big man' for hitting a little guy very hard with a baton, and get paid a handsome wage for doing so. if you do some research, you'll see police brutality is far more prevalent in society than it should be and needs to be :)
yeah it does say a lot about thier future, how bleak it is looking that they feel they have to do these things to try and make a difference, because no one at the top cares :) well, the people who have died, and the big amount of people that have been injured or had thier lives permanently changed due to police brutality, thats destroying lives. the people the government have screwed over, losing jobs, losing houses, having thier lives torn apart. back to the police, they dont care, they get the feeling of being a 'big man' for hitting a little guy very hard with a baton, and get paid a handsome wage for doing so. if you do some research, you'll see police brutality is far more prevalent in society than it should be and needs to be :)

They hardly get paid a handsome wage for doing their job-which is stopping chaos caused by mindless idiots and criminals. And besides, the people who smash up shops and ruin businesses deserve a smack in the chops. They're just spoiling for a fight. They're not doing it to get through a message. They just enjoy smashing things because they don't have a brain between their ears.
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If you're so adamant that they get massive wage cheques, why don't you sign up to the force and show them a good example?
yeah it does say a lot about thier future, how bleak it is looking that they feel they have to do these things to try and make a difference, because no one at the top cares :) well, the people who have died, and the big amount of people that have been injured or had thier lives permanently changed due to police brutality, thats destroying lives. the people the government have screwed over, losing jobs, losing houses, having thier lives torn apart. back to the police, they dont care, they get the feeling of being a 'big man' for hitting a little guy very hard with a baton, and get paid a handsome wage for doing so. if you do some research, you'll see police brutality is far more prevalent in society than it should be and needs to be :)

You want to get into a debate about the ****** protests, lets go. Because they're walking around with their ridiculous signs saying "NO CUTS". We have a budget deficit. Either we cut, or we raise taxes. As they're young and don't pay tax, of course they're going to want taxes raised rather than services cut. Quite frankly, if I were at the top I wouldn't care either.

So where's the proof for your "big amount" of people changed due to police brutality? No matter how "big" it allegedly is, I'll wager it's not even a tenth of all the people whose lives are improved by our superb police force. If you do your research, you'll see that you can't actually measure police brutality and trying to say it's prevalent based on figures is impossible. Not only that, if you did your research, you'd realise how lucky we are to have such a great polcie force here. I've been to many countries, but the only places where the police force has been comparable to ours is Scandinavia.
We complain but to be fair our police force is a lot better than some countries where it's atrocious (sorry if its spelt wrong)

EDIT: fail, guy above me just said the same
Sorry, but BS. Not having a go at you personally because I don't know you, but that post is absolute ****. The police around my area are fantastic, and do their absolute best around here to help victims of crime, and its showing. Its not a power trip, or to line their own pockets. Thats just frankly ****. And I do know what I'm talking about, as I have been a victim of crime, and they dealt with the whole situation sensibly, sensitively, and pretty dam quickly.

its **** in your opinion. in my 27 years here, and the things ive seen in my life and researched, its a bob on statement :) but you keep beleiving you are right if you so wish, its your opinion and i respect that, despite disagreeing with it :)
We complain but to be fair our police force is a lot better than some countries where it's atrocious (sorry if its spelt wrong)

Boom, exactly.

its **** in your opinion. in my 27 years here, and the things ive seen in my life and researched, its a bob on statement :) but you keep beleiving you are right if you so wish, its your opinion and i respect that, despite disagreeing with it :)

Researched my ***. So, how have you "researched" something that is more or less impossible to research? Did you look up all stories about police brutality? Because let me tell you, that is the least balanced account you could possibly get.
The police have procedures and standards in place, and should follow them. If they become guidelines or people are satisfied that the ends justify the means, where exactly is the line? Threats? Torture? Obviously those are extreme examples but members of the Police force in the past have seriously abused their position (and no doubt some still do). Every safeguard should be taken to ensure this can't happen. This is a mild case, but the message could be that "if your results are ok, or at least seem ok, then you are free to break the law.
We complain but to be fair our police force is a lot better than some countries where it's atrocious (sorry if its spelt wrong)

EDIT: fail, guy above me just said the same

They are pretty dam good and they have to be with the resources they have, as half the time we're not allowed to defend ourselves against criminals. You clip the head of some charv throwing a brick through you're window-you're screwed
What annoys me about the student protest my mate thinks they started to riot because the police kettled them well I was watching on sky news and students were already right rioting way before the police started to kettle them.

Im not against protesting if its done right i.e. no violence etc calm and controlled but when 18-21 smashing up buildings and people's businness, defacing the statue winston churchil is low.
The police have procedures and standards in place, and should follow them. If they become guidelines or people are satisfied that the ends justify the means, where exactly is the line? Threats? Torture? Obviously those are extreme examples but members of the Police force in the past have seriously abused their position (and no doubt some still do). Every safeguard should be taken to ensure this can't happen. This is a mild case, but the message could be that "if your results are ok, or at least seem ok, then you are free to break the law.

Past is in the past though, and the sort of stuff that happened then stays there. If it happened now, everything would come crashing down on them like a major pile of bricks. Thats why human rights lawyers, or just lawyers in general, make so much money these days. They can nit pick the very smallest thing then bang. Some low life is back on the street
You want to get into a debate about the ****** protests, lets go. Because they're walking around with their ridiculous signs saying "NO CUTS". We have a budget deficit. Either we cut, or we raise taxes. As they're young and don't pay tax, of course they're going to want taxes raised rather than services cut. Quite frankly, if I were at the top I wouldn't care either.

So where's the proof for your "big amount" of people changed due to police brutality? No matter how "big" it allegedly is, I'll wager it's not even a tenth of all the people whose lives are improved by our superb police force. If you do your research, you'll see that you can't actually measure police brutality and trying to say it's prevalent based on figures is impossible. Not only that, if you did your research, you'd realise how lucky we are to have such a great polcie force here. I've been to many countries, but the only places where the police force has been comparable to ours is Scandinavia.

you get me wrong dude. i dont want a debate about the protests. its just a shame that people got so sick of not being listened to that these things happen :) and if it were the people who say, hit a copper, that got hit back, fair enough i suppose, but it just never is, its a little guy who is just chanting and doing a normal protest thing who ends up dead or injured, i just dont like the way the police cover themselves as they are the law and nothing happens to that copper, its sickening :( just seems very unfair to me thats all, plus mine and freinds experiences with the police have been shocking, so i dont sit on thier side of the fence due to these things either, if you want more info message me, i'll message you back later :)
What annoys me about the student protest my mate thinks they started to riot because the police kettled them well I was watching on sky news and students were already right rioting way before the police started to kettle them.

Im not against protesting if its done right i.e. no violence etc calm and controlled but when 18-21 smashing up buildings and people's businness, defacing the statue winston churchil is low.

Couldn't agree more. They have to realise everybody is wading in the same ****, and have to make sacrifices. And since when we're 13 year olds at uni anyway? should be at school, not laughing when a police officer gets hurt.
cops are the kids who got bullied in school and have never had a sense of power, so this is how they make up for it. and 'anarchists'? if the world/government/police wasnt so **** to people, they wouldnt feel the need to do these things would they?

OH NO. Guys, we've got a lefty. You know the kind of people that stereotype and insult the police? Criminals. There's no other reason to disrespect these people who are simply going out and making an honest living, and protecting you whether you like it or not.

I know the people who would be in charge without the police around, and believe me, you'd rather have the police in charge. Grow up, stop supporting these anarchist tools, and accept that the police prevent you from being murdered (which you, and I, almost certainly would be.)
People just seem to find any excuse to blame the police nowadays. If the press weren't so devious and didn't twist every story they ever publish, no one would think twice about talking down to police officers or anyone for that matter. It's only a small minority of people that don't agree with the way they police our streets and that rubs off on their kids.
People just seem to find any excuse to blame the police nowadays. If the press weren't so devious and didn't twist every story they ever publish, no one would think twice about talking down to police officers or anyone for that matter. It's only a small minority of people that don't agree with the way they police our streets and that rubs off on their kids.

Pretty much. I've talked to the officers that dealt with my situation, and they're sick and tired of not being able to do more on the streets, because of all the red tape and paperwork. On the plus side though, Theresa May is granting the police more powers. The sooner the better. Once this financial mess thats crippling the country is dealt with, I'm praying they increase the number of officers, because right now we ****** well need them.
What kind of society are we if we have to kill people for committing a crime? You're using a blanket statement on murderers not changing: by the time they get out, they're old men. They wouldn't kill again.

You complain that he makes a blanket statement, and then you claim that murderers won't kill again? Not sure how that works.

I know it's the Daily Mail but I think it offers fairly conclusive proof that a high percentage of murderers re-offend.

Edit - I agree with the rest of your points, this is the only one I'm not sure about. Didn't want this to look like I'm entirely against everything you say!
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You complain that he makes a blanket statement, and then you claim that murderers won't kill again? Not sure how that works.

I know it's the Daily Mail but I think it offers fairly conclusive proof that a high percentage of murderers re-offend.

****** **** thats shocking
OH NO. Guys, we've got a lefty. You know the kind of people that stereotype and insult the police? Criminals. There's no other reason to disrespect these people who are simply going out and making an honest living, and protecting you whether you like it or not.

I know the people who would be in charge without the police around, and believe me, you'd rather have the police in charge. Grow up, stop supporting these anarchist tools, and accept that the police prevent you from being murdered (which you, and I, almost certainly would be.)

hmm, the same police that i rang up because there is a gang leader lives next door to me, in the disabled bungalow my mum should have as she can barely walk, but hes fraudulently claiming benefits saying hes in a wheelchair so he got the house and we didnt. he drives bmw's, merc's, MG sports cars, etc, has loads of money from his criminal activities. i told the police all this, and got "oh yeah, we know, just dont talk to them or have anything to do with them. we cant do anything about them as they always turn it round and make out they are the victim." two and a half years ive lived here, dealing with this every single day, and nothing is done, as the police dont want the hassle of trying to bust him, they would rather just take thier paychecks home than try and help the people who are worst off. ive even heard he has a couple of them on his payroll. this is just one thing in a long long line of things thats happened to me. and you wonder why i think they are just corrupt money grabbing *******. you try being in my situation, you might feel like me then.