Police criticized for "unlawful" methods following Drug barons arrest

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Were the Police correct in what they did?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 65.9%
  • No

    Votes: 8 19.5%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 6 14.6%

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They know nothing else, locked straight up after offending, most likely just commit crime behind bars, assaults, drug dealing, trafficking, then let back on to the streets and a relatively young age after 15 - 20 years or so behind bars.
They know nothing else, locked straight up after offending, most likely just commit crime behind bars, assaults, drug dealing, trafficking, then let back on to the streets and a relatively young age after 15 - 20 years or so behind bars.

Good to see the educating while inside works then. This is what happens when a country gets far too liberal and touchy feely. Disregard the victims, do your best for the criminal to make them a better person. Not all leapords can change their spots
hmm, the same police that i rang up because there is a gang leader lives next door to me, in the disabled bungalow my mum should have as she can barely walk, but hes fraudulently claiming benefits saying hes in a wheelchair so he got the house and we didnt. he drives bmw's, merc's, MG sports cars, etc, has loads of money from his criminal activities. i told the police all this, and got "oh yeah, we know, just dont talk to them or have anything to do with them. we cant do anything about them as they always turn it round and make out they are the victim." two and a half years ive lived here, dealing with this every single day, and nothing is done, as the police dont want the hassle of trying to bust him, they would rather just take thier paychecks home than try and help the people who are worst off. ive even heard he has a couple of them on his payroll. this is just one thing in a long long line of things thats happened to me. and you wonder why i think they are just corrupt money grabbing *******. you try being in my situation, you might feel like me then.

There's obviously a lot more happening that is restricting them, they can't divulge classified information to you over the phone, they could be listening in next door. It won't be that they don't want to deal with him, it will be that they physically can't because of rules they have in place, which is a prime example of this topic! They don't have sufficient evidence to bust him. A phone call from a local resident isn't anywhere near enough. How do you know that they aren't looking in to it right now? There could be a massive plan to shut him down.
You complain that he makes a blanket statement, and then you claim that murderers won't kill again? Not sure how that works.

I know it's the Daily Mail but I think it offers fairly conclusive proof that a high percentage of murderers re-offend.

Edit - I agree with the rest of your points, this is the only one I'm not sure about. Didn't want this to look like I'm entirely against everything you say!

Point taken. MOSTLY don't kill again. ;)
There's obviously a lot more happening that is restricting them, they can't divulge classified information to you over the phone, they could be listening in next door. It won't be that they don't want to deal with him, it will be that they physically can't because of rules they have in place, which is a prime example of this topic! They don't have sufficient evidence to bust him. A phone call from a local resident isn't anywhere near enough. How do you know that they aren't looking in to it right now? There could be a massive plan to shut him down.

They did that on my old estate. They waited, waited and when they had absolute proof bang they got them. Still inside now for dealing and possession of weapons. Got 6 of the scumbags, 3 from the same family, and got the rest evicted from their homes
they have, and at least one guy died because of it, and the cop got off scott free. makes me sick. cops are the kids who got bullied in school and have never had a sense of power, so this is how they make up for it. and 'anarchists'? if the world/government/police wasnt so **** to people, they wouldnt feel the need to do these things would they? its not these people you should be blaming, its the people at the top ruining it for everyone else while they take home a huge amount of money without a care for anyone else.

the police dont care about us, they care about thier own sense of power and self worth :) you might think they have done something to help you, but it will just be for a pat on the back, a sense of more power, a promotion and to line thier own pockets :) but hey, thats just my facts, im not ******** with you about it, you beleive whatever you want :)

I understand you have made other points and some fair views on the reasons as to why you believe certain things about the police force, Your view on saying police are kids who got bullied thats total BS, At one point in my life I wanted to be a policeman simply because I wanted to become a member of S.W.A.T. I was never bullied at school. Other people in the force may have had someone murdered or raped or anything in the family that made them want to do things for the better. Granted some people may have been bullied and just want to feel the 'big man' so to speak. It's ok to sit here and criticize police but really police are not the problem.

Do you think the guy came up with that loop hole on his own ? the real person/people to blame are lawyers, Police work tirelessly to get these people banged up and lawyers sit on there **** finding some technical term to get them off scot free and earn a massive wage at the end of it all. They are the real problem and of course it's their jobs and I don't blame them for what they do because they have spent many years studying for a degree but they fight to keep rapists and murderers out of prison and into the community. Thats where the problem lies! Would also blame the prison service as nowadays prison is a place they love being some of them live better than good working citizens who burst there **** off 40 hours a week on NMW and scrape by. Most prisons now have sky playstations etc. They should be made to work on the roads like it used to be etc. Once you have commited a murder or rape - Human rights should be banished because you don't deserve any rights if thats the kind of thing you do because simply you are not Human then your an animal.

That's just my opinion on the matter. The emergency Services put their lives on the line every day working tirelessly same as the Army and definately don't get the wages that they should.
I understand you have made other points and some fair views on the reasons as to why you believe certain things about the police force, Your view on saying police are kids who got bullied thats total BS, At one point in my life I wanted to be a policeman simply because I wanted to become a member of S.W.A.T. I was never bullied at school. Other people in the force may have had someone murdered or raped or anything in the family that made them want to do things for the better. Granted some people may have been bullied and just want to feel the 'big man' so to speak. It's ok to sit here and criticize police but really police are not the problem.

Do you think the guy came up with that loop hole on his own ? the real person/people to blame are lawyers, Police work tirelessly to get these people banged up and lawyers sit on there **** finding some technical term to get them off scot free and earn a massive wage at the end of it all. They are the real problem and of course it's their jobs and I don't blame them for what they do because they have spent many years studying for a degree but they fight to keep rapists and murderers out of prison and into the community. Thats where the problem lies! Would also blame the prison service as nowadays prison is a place they love being some of them live better than good working citizens who burst there **** off 40 hours a week on NMW and scrape by. Most prisons now have sky playstations etc. They should be made to work on the roads like it used to be etc. Once you have commited a murder or rape - Human rights should be banished because you don't deserve any rights if thats the kind of thing you do because simply you are not Human then your an animal.

That's just my opinion on the matter. The emergency Services put their lives on the line every day working tirelessly same as the Army and definately don't get the wages that they should.

Pretty much go along with that, but I'd also include the previous government, and the EU sticking their noses in where it doesn't belong.
There's obviously a lot more happening that is restricting them, they can't divulge classified information to you over the phone, they could be listening in next door. It won't be that they don't want to deal with him, it will be that they physically can't because of rules they have in place, which is a prime example of this topic! They don't have sufficient evidence to bust him. A phone call from a local resident isn't anywhere near enough. How do you know that they aren't looking in to it right now? There could be a massive plan to shut him down.

fair enough, but its been years and nothing has happened. they know about it all, but they dont want to do anything about it. the day i see something to put my faith in the law, my veiws might change, but when you have to live with this kind of thing day by day, you see why i dont have faith in the police? its never the people who deserve it, its people like my mum who are paying for it, and the little guy killed at the protest, etc etc. i'd love to think you are right, ive just see no signs of them doing anything over a long period of time :(

alan, fair do's mate, i am generalising a bit, as im sure not 100% of police are like that, but from all the things i have seen, dealt with and am dealing with, it seems to me the police go for easy targets and its an easy assertion of thier 'power', the ones who are a big problem for them they dont deal with because its too much hassle, which is a pyschological reversal of bullying to me, as bullies just pick out the easy target, they wont go for the head of the rugby team for example, as he's too much for them, you see what i mean? but obviously in some cases, people do just become policemen so that they can exert thier sense of 'power' upon others, be it warranted or not. my veiws are biased due to mine, family, and freinds circumstances, i would just love to be able to have faith in the force like some of you do, but untill something changes i dont think i will be able to.

edit - soon as i go off the base, i find this. sigh. :(
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don't get me wrong I have my bad opinions of police aswell, Such as a 15 year olds funeral and there was 6 police outside the place where the party was held because of who his family is and IMO it's disrespectful at least they could have dressed as civilians and stayed in the background. But anyway thats besides the point, I do understand what you mean but they can't just go into that guys house next to you, look at the bigger picture say they bust in there with your say so and get nothing, Everything they have built up towards him would get thrown out at court if they managed to catch him because of lack of proof etc. they need to be certain and you never know maybe they're using him to catch bigger fish also. It's a weird situation just got to bite your toungue Karma's a *******.
The police were totally right, they used methods available to catch a criminal, if thats deemed wrong then there is something fundamentally wrong with society.

PS. To anyone who thinks of replying with 'the police can't allowed to go round bugging people, how would you like it if they bugged you'. I would reply 'I couldn't care less as I don't commit crimes, they can bug me all they want'.

PPS. To anyone who thinks of replying to the PS. with 'well its just the principle of it'. I would reply 'I don't see why we should risk peoples safety just to satisfy some idiots principles/ego, it kind of sounds like you're just making excuses what do you have to hide'.

Rant over, much better :D ...... this is what happens when I get stressed by FM lol
The police were totally right, they used methods available to catch a criminal, if thats deemed wrong then there is something fundamentally wrong with society.

PS. To anyone who thinks of replying with 'the police can't allowed to go round bugging people, how would you like it if they bugged you'. I would reply 'I couldn't care less as I don't commit crimes, they can bug me all they want'.

PPS. To anyone who thinks of replying to the PS. with 'well its just the principle of it'. I would reply 'I don't see why we should risk peoples safety just to satisfy some idiots principles/ego, it kind of sounds like you're just making excuses what do you have to hide'.

Rant over, much better :D ...... this is what happens when I get stressed by FM lol

Excellent post, especially the first PS. Really sums up my feelings regarding it. I always wondered why people objected to security cameras, for example: if you've got nothing to hide, it's not going to harm you.
You brits shouldn't complain about your police - to speak in footballing terms, your police would be like, say, Villareal (As in not top notch but good enough), and ours is sort of San Marino's Tre Fiori. I'd take a trade anytime.
Excellent post, especially the first PS. Really sums up my feelings regarding it. I always wondered why people objected to security cameras, for example: if you've got nothing to hide, it's not going to harm you.

Thank You :D:D:D:D:D Its good to hear someone speak sense instead of listening to all the media hype that gets people worked up about nothing cough*dailymailagainstpolicekeepingdnaprofiles*cough
Didn't read the article from the OP but some of the posts here are shocking...is it me or is FM base very conservative?
Off course the Police where wrong, they are not above the Law. They where specifically told they cant bug his car. They went on and did as they please.
If someone applies for a gun license and are refused it. They go on and buy a gun anyway. Should they be prosecuted? Off course they should, they broke the Law.
I dont think the criminal should be released just the people involved in the operation fired.

Some cops are ****** that join to get a sense of power and be above the Law.
Although some are there to help out and stop crime following the correct procedures.
However I think the ones that join to make a difference are in the minority.
I wanted to be a garda but due to the amount of power possessive ****** involved in it I changed my mind.
yeah it does say a lot about thier future, how bleak it is looking that they feel they have to do these things to try and make a difference, because no one at the top cares :) well, the people who have died, and the big amount of people that have been injured or had thier lives permanently changed due to police brutality, thats destroying lives. the people the government have screwed over, losing jobs, losing houses, having thier lives torn apart. back to the police, they dont care, they get the feeling of being a 'big man' for hitting a little guy very hard with a baton, and get paid a handsome wage for doing so. if you do some research, you'll see police brutality is far more prevalent in society than it should be and needs to be :)

No one at the top cares? Really? People act like the current government enjoys all the cuts and tax hikes that they are being forced to do. They are forced to do it because they have no option. Labour have spent money that they simply didn't have in order to keep power. It's always like this, they **** all the money away, the Tories come and fix it up, but in fixing it up people start to hate them. I fail to see how cutting police budgets so they're forced to do their job rather than waste hours filling in paperwork is a bad thing. ****, look at this story. There's so much red tape and regulatory measures eating up their budgets that they can't actually work to their full potential. The people who protest are either ignorant or don't understand the situation. Everyone is complaining about the cuts, I've yet to see anyone offer an alternate measure.

---------- Post added at 08:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:39 PM ----------

Off course the Police where wrong, they are not above the Law. They where specifically told they cant bug his car. They went on and did as they please.
If someone applies for a gun license and are refused it. They go on and buy a gun anyway. Should they be prosecuted? Off course they should, they broke the Law.
I dont think the criminal should be released just the people involved in the operation fired.

Some cops are ****** that join to get a sense of power and be above the Law.
Although some are there to help out and stop crime following the correct procedures.
However I think the ones that join to make a difference are in the minority.
I wanted to be a garda but due to the amount of power possessive ****** involved in it I changed my mind.

How can you compare a gun license and the police. They broke the law for the greater good. What kind of society do we live in where we criticise the police for breaking a law so they can catch a murderer and major drug dealer. It's as bad as the people who get arrested for assault for beating someone off their property. It's madness.
How can you compare a gun license and the police. They broke the law for the greater good. What kind of society do we live in where we criticise the police for breaking a law so they can catch a murderer and major drug dealer. It's as bad as the people who get arrested for assault for beating someone off their property. It's madness.
The farmer wanted a gun to kill the foxes that where killing his chickens, or catch them at least. But his license was turned down can he take the law into his own hands for the greater good?
Like I said they arent above the law.
The farmer wanted a gun to kill the foxes that where killing his chickens, or catch them at least. But his license was turned down can he take the law into his own hands for the greater good?
Like I said they arent above the law.

A farmer and police officer are COMPLETELY different.
A farmer and police officer are COMPLETELY different.
A fox and a drug dealer are completly differrent.
So are you saying it is fine for a Police Officer to break the law but not a farmer?
A fox and a drug dealer are completly differrent.
So are you saying it is fine for a Police Officer to break the law but not a farmer?

Depends what they're breaking the law for. A police man is protecting society from dangerous criminals, a farmer is protecting, chickens? If they put away a murderer and drug dealer, I frankly don't care if they broke a law to do it. I really don't. So yes, I am saying it's okay.