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Super Moderator
Jul 21, 2008
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So i thought we could actually have one decent thread on General Chat. ;)

What are your views on politics in your country?
Do you support any of the Political Parties?

Views please...oh and be nice! :)
politics are boring polititans are the worst race amoungst us tell us they will make a difference when it appears that nothing changes at all
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Well simply dont post on here,pointless replies are boring.

Id like to know what happened with these regional assembly's,the North East assembly was abolished in April yet it was quietly swept under the carpet and with the Credit Crunch and other world events going on nobody seems too interested in it.
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politics are boring

Well don't post on this thread then, simply as that. Clearly you do not care about who runs the country! Either that or you are too stupid to know anything about Politics.
Personally, I am not interested in the politics of the country. I'm not going to say I don't care, because I wouldn't want the BNP in power for example.

I'm not sure, hard to explain but it just doesn't interest me in the sense that I would choose to partake in a full-on discussion about it. You might not be able to understand that point of view I guess.
I have loosely socialist views, not ti the extremity of Communism, but at the next general election i'll probably vote for the socialist party, failing that the Lib Dems are a safe bet. :)

And to those saying that politics is dull, it may not be the most enthralling of activities, but it impacts all our lives (in democratic countries) so try to show a little interest. And failing that, don't moan when the government does something you don;t like if you didn't bother to vote, yeah.

"YAWN!!!!!!!!!!!! So what."

pointless post from mr. JP woody.

Reason this is acceptable.

"Ill post what i want,im entitled to my opinion,whether you like it or not.Its called freedom of speech,im sure you must have heard of it."

so if you are allowed to post about cricket being boring due to freedom of speech. based on your logic. anyone who finds politics boring should be allowed to post in this thread saying they find politics boring.

Whats your point exactly? i merely said pointless replies are boring,and they are,i didn't say he couldn't say it merely suggested he didn't post on here if it bored him.I'm sure if you found my reply on England winning the Ashes pointless you also found it boring too,that's life.

Oh and by the way it should be "Politics are dull" not "POLITICS IS DULL"
I'm not saying i am overly interested in Politics but surely everyone has to be at some level. I am sure those of you who 'don't care' wont be long in changing that view when you have a career and are getting taxed shocking amounts only for the money to be used to pay for ned/chavs drug/drink addictions or retarded people who have kids they cant afford and are jobless rather than improving our hospitals,roads and schools

This country has alot of problems....Scotland might just be the worst. Was raging when SNP won our general elections...having our own parlement was a terrible idea...everyone in Scotland has to be so ****** patriotic rather than have a bit of common sense.

Was a huge fan of Labour under Tony Blair and Jack McConnell up in Scotland but now i'm kind of excited by David Cameron and his ideas
yeah it should be politics are dull. sorry.

anyway. i just a little bit annoyed that you were being a hypocrite.

"you could have completely avoided a thread related to cricket"
an exact quote of what FMbilly posted. he is quite clearly just suggesting you could have not posted on the ashes thread. suggested hence the "you could have".

to which your defensive reply was: "Ill post what i want"

on this thread when someone claimed politics are boring like you claimed cricket was boring you replied: "dont post on here"

you TOLD him not suggested that he not post here but according to you everyone is entitled to their opinion and therefore so is the poster who clamed politics are boring.

That was my point.

i'm not intrested in politics but i would not go into a post and be annoying and post yawn or politics are boring.
I'm pretty sure its 'Politics is'. There is such a word as 'Politic' but its hardly used. Politics as a topic, or as a study subject for example, is singular. I've rarely heard 'Politics are'.

And it does seem as if your response smacked a bit of double-standards. But never mind. You seemed a decent poster before I went away so congrats on being a mod. Anyway...

I do enjoy studying and following Politics. It is annoying alot of the time and it is easy to get disillusioned about it but it does matter as well. Don't know who I'd vote for at the next illusion though.
@19-11-08 I actually said "well simply dont pont post on here" which is a suggestion,not as you put "dont post on here"
@19-11-08 I actually said "well simply dont pont post on here" which is a suggestion,not as you put "dont post on here"
how, exactly?

if you want to hide behind your phrasing fine but i don't think adding well simply makes it a suggestion and as AJW said their seems to be a case of double standards. suggestion or not.

even if it was just a suggestion so was FMbilly's
Its hard these days to truly differentiate between the two major party's,20 years ago and beyond there were clear dividing lines between the two major party's and their policies but now each just seems to say the opposite of the other and hope its enough to either keep power or win power.I think in the long run were going to end up like the US where its all one big publicity contest,we might actually be already there.
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So i thought we could actually have one decent thread on General Chat. ;)

What are your views on politics in your country?
Do you support any of the Political Parties?

Views please...oh and be nice! :)

My view on politics in general is that nothing will change. There is little difference now between the middle ground parties that voters fluctuate between. The Conservatives and Labour are basically 2 political parties with liberal ideas. I refuse to support any political parties because our electoral system isn't democratic. I refuse to support a corrupt system that passes itself off as a democracy. I quite like the ideas of the Green Party and I agree with a lot of ideas of the communist party, but naturally I believe no one has a right to govern anyone else. I tilt more towards the idea of anarchy.(No, that's not just lawlessness and chaos, if you think that's what anarchy is, you need educate yourself past junior school).
I don't think 'Anarchy' could ever work, nor Communism for that matter. Not on a large scale anyway.
Neither do I, which is a shame really. I have no hope for politics. Nothing will change drastically. People are too wrapped up in commodities and too apathetic due to televisions and video games to change anything on a mass scale. Unlike 1984 which implies that a totalitarian government using violence to control people is the greatest danger. It is infact the sugar-coating of technology that is the greatest danger in modern times. Notice how voter turnout is falling - people don't care enough anymore. Governments are now being elected without the accountability they require from the public.
i think change is needed not on a small scale but massive most politicians are corrupt and i think its necessary to take power away from them like the saying absolute power corrupts absolutely. but i also think the monarchy is beyond useless, a massive waste of tax payers money to be more precise which without either would kind of leave us limbo so thats were im stuck somebody would need to take control but then comes the same conundrum of absolute power.

any ideas on what could actually work.
Was a huge fan of Labour under Tony Blair and Jack McConnell up in Scotland but now i'm kind of excited by David Cameron and his ideas

David Cameron excites you? Oh my.

Neither do I, which is a shame really. I have no hope for politics. Nothing will change drastically. People are too wrapped up in commodities and too apathetic due to televisions and video games to change anything on a mass scale. Unlike 1984 which implies that a totalitarian government using violence to control people is the greatest danger. It is infact the sugar-coating of technology that is the greatest danger in modern times. Notice how voter turnout is falling - people don't care enough anymore. Governments are now being elected without the accountability they require from the public.

You blame people for being "too wrapped up in commodities and too apathetic due to televisions and video games to change anything on a mass scale" but by the send of it you're one of them? You have given up on politics because others have, so essentially you are joining them?
David Cameron > Blair > Brown > Major > Thatcher...it's an ugly game

My girfriend went to Cuba a few years back with her parents and were told the people who pack your bags at the supermarkets make more than the doctors because they will get tips from tourists which the doctors wont....clearly not a positive However everyone gets food and medicine so in that sense communism works i guess