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it is an opinion page and i had an opinion so whats the big deal anyway is this not here to talk about football and not politics so that is the real spam and if it wasnt on here any way there wouldnt be a problem
and i got 10 points
David Cameron excites you? Oh my.

You blame people for being "too wrapped up in commodities and too apathetic due to televisions and video games to change anything on a mass scale" but by the send of it you're one of them? You have given up on politics because others have, so essentially you are joining them?

No, I'm not one of them because my reason isn't apathy. My reason is realism. And unless a drastic event in current politics occurs (i'm talking nuclear warfare or something on that scale) no one's opinion will be swayed enough to make any considerable amount of change. Most people think switching from Labour to Conservative depending on performance is effective but in the end they serve only corprorate interests because that's where they pull their revenue from. Humans are just subsidies and will continue to be until capitalism ends - which I believe will not happen because of a lack of awareness, motivation and knowledge on the public's part - they've got video games and television instead.

Take the current economic climate. The beaurocrats and bankers are reaping their giant bonuses while the people who helped alleviate them into their position are left to deal with their mistakes. I could go on a huge rant for ages explaining my politics and most deem them radical but, in the end the evidence is there throughout history that governments and the upper class manipulate ordinary people's lives for their own gain. Yet we continue to elect them. Most people think they don't have a choice and they probably don't.
you talk the biggest piece of dug bullocks i have ever heard ****** off you posh ****
morton fc, he isn't even talking to you, and your reply is just rude.

And what the **** are dug bullocks?
shut up you must be a posh **** 2 just like clueless

p.s i was talkin to him but
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No morton fc,you shut up.Sorry about the abuse counerpoint and fmbilly,he's gone.
No morton fc,you shut up.Sorry about the abuse counerpoint and fmbilly,he's gone.

for how long. i guess two weeks. i hope he comes back after that.
there's no excuses for what he did but i tink he was annoyed about his infraction. which was, to be fair, unjust. he probably just ****** off and insulted poeple on this page. i think he was hard done by in some ways.
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No, I'm not one of them because my reason isn't apathy. My reason is realism. And unless a drastic event in current politics occurs (i'm talking nuclear warfare or something on that scale) no one's opinion will be swayed enough to make any considerable amount of change. Most people think switching from Labour to Conservative depending on performance is effective but in the end they serve only corprorate interests because that's where they pull their revenue from. Humans are just subsidies and will continue to be until capitalism ends - which I believe will not happen because of a lack of awareness, motivation and knowledge on the public's part - they've got video games and television instead.

Take the current economic climate. The beaurocrats and bankers are reaping their giant bonuses while the people who helped alleviate them into their position are left to deal with their mistakes. I could go on a huge rant for ages explaining my politics and most deem them radical but, in the end the evidence is there throughout history that governments and the upper class manipulate ordinary people's lives for their own gain. Yet we continue to elect them. Most people think they don't have a choice and they probably don't.

Don't get me wrong, I hold similar if not as 'radical' views to you, but what i'm saying is that this 'realism' you speak of that your vote will not change anything allows the main 2/3 parties to continue in dictating the political system. If you feel that your vote does not make a difference, and that you are not going to vote, then what is the point of this country having a democracy? Would we not be better off just letting the Conservatives and Labour alternate leadership and be done with it?

Another opinion I hold is that the flaw of democracy is its strength- competition. The opposing parties inevitably have to fight against eachother to garner votes, but in doing this they are not serving the country, but rather serving the party in just trying to rake in the votes. This is why I find smaller parties more appealing as, knowing they do not have the same battle to wager, they can hold firm to their values and beliefs.

And I apologise if any of this is incomprehensible- it is late and I've been to the pub. o.O
for how long. i guess two weeks. i hope he comes back after that.
there's no excuses for what he did but i tink he was annoyed about his infraction. which was, to be fair, unjust. he probably just ****** off and insulted poeple on this page. i think he was hard done by in some ways.

His infraction was not unjust. If he had given some sort of reason as to why he didn't like politics then fine i would have let him off with it but it was just spam and was not needed.

The fact he done it in a large bold font made it worse. Then he sent me a message saying Becky should be banned for starting a politics thread. The guy is clearly a fool

End of. Back on Topic please
Well simply dont post on here,pointless replies are boring.

Id like to know what happened with these regional assembly's,the North East assembly was abolished in April yet it was quietly swept under the carpet and with the Credit Crunch and other world events going on nobody seems too interested in it.

I think that the North East assembly was going to be a trial but because it was a Landslide "No" vote then the government decided not to try anywhere else in England