Portsmouth Europa League appeal rejected by FA

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No, they qualified but they failed to apply, so they didn't qualify like everyone else.

This is their fault, so why should other teams be punished for it?

Portsmouth failed to send off their application, which means Everton/Liverpool miss out? That isn't fair.
Yeah I can see the point of view from Everton/Liverpool fans, I would feel annoyed aswell. Of course, I am biased on this as a supporter, so I guess I'm just putting my team first as any fan would.

But like I said, Everton/Liverpool have both worked hard this season to get where we are, and as have we in the FA Cup, but the deadline is there for a reason and if we've missed it we've missed it, end of.
Yeah I can see the point of view from Everton/Liverpool fans, I would feel annoyed aswell. Of course, I am biased on this as a supporter, so I guess I'm just putting my team first as any fan would.

But like I said, Everton/Liverpool have both worked hard this season to get where we are, and as have we in the FA Cup, but the deadline is there for a reason and if we've missed it we've missed it, end of.

Respect. (K)
I know it sucks, and if it were my club then I'd be gutted, but put yourselves in Everton/Liverpool shoes.

They are under the impression that they can achieve Europa league football, and they manage to secure the spot necessary, only to have it snatched from them because Portsmouth are given a second chance in their application simply because everyone is taking pity on them at the moment.

Where would the pity be for the team that actually qualified and didn't miss their application deadline?

As for arguing, I'm done also, but I feel strongly about this topic and am generally tired of these Portsmouth stories floating about now.

I completely agree with what you are saying but I did not really view this as another Portsmouth story I viewed it as a story about a team making a mistake and being seriously punished, this wouldn't go down in any other country, I guess England is 'special'.
This decision is complete bullshit!!!! Im not a pompey fan but it still sucks. Forget the deadline ****, like Gza said if you qualify you qualify. Talk about kicking them when they're down.

Deadline's are there for a reason.

How is he an idiot? Portsmouth deserve the place, if you cannot see that then you are clearly blind. They reached the FA Cup final and may even go on to win it, and the fact they are in administration means it's difficult for them to obtain a UEFA license, but if there is any chance of them getting one they should be given the opportunity before 7th place.

This has nothing to do with transfer windows or loans, this is because UEFA are refusing to give Pompey a license due to their finances, they were allowed to sell players outside of the transfer window, so your examples clearly fail.

I mean you are seriously over exaggerating, what's the worst that can come from waiting another week or so?

What i said above, why should exceptions be made ?

Well said Andy he could have at least made a stupid point without calling people idiots.

Yes it was a rash comment, perhaps in the heat of the moment.


I agree with the decision, Rules are there for a reason. Portsmouth's financial flaw's should be reason enough too. I am sure I have read on mulitiple occasions that UEFA have rules that allow national FA's to ban clubs from competitions if there financies are dodgy, Infact i am sure it has happened in a few smaller nations.

They will also be in the championship, with a further depleted and downgraded squad. It's bad enough getting Aston Villa to take the Europa League seriously without Portsmouth entering. 46 games in the league,league cup,fa cup and europe with what will be a squad of 18-20 ?

You also have to consider your UEFA Coefficient rating.
He said nothing about a financial crisis, he said that they deserved to qualify which they do, and albeit they forgot the deadline they should be given a second chance, if it were anyone else I would expect the same.

He said " Forget the deadline ****, like Gza said if you qualify you qualify. Talk about kicking them when they're down."

The kicking them when their down part is obviously refererring to their financial state at the moment. You can't pick and choose on when to apply the rules. They are there for a reason and unfortunately Pompey didn't meet the deadline.

You can't go giving people second chances because then there would be no point in having the rules.

Good decision I think, although I feel sorry for Pompey fans but it was their own fault as they didn't apply. They still have the final to look forward to and hopefully if the club remains next season they can fully focus on returing to the Premier League.
There's a deadline for a reason. Deadlines are set to maintain order and structure within the leagues. Why should Portsmouth be able to get Europa league football at the expense of another team, just because they are in a mess right now? The rules are there for everyone.

Let's allow transfer windows to be open all season long, shall we, or let's allow players on loan to ignore the loan termination deadline and just keep playing for their new team.

Better yet, let's scrap the system and not have any structure. Teams can play for fun without any need for points.


I dont know how you can have the cheek to call me an idiot when obviously you've missed my point completely! Read my post properly before commenting, ********!
I dont know how you can have the cheek to call me an idiot when obviously you've missed my point completely! Read my post properly before commenting, ********!

Ok both of you have had a wee insult, It's out of the way now and we can leave it at that and get back on topic?

I don't like giving out infraction's it's time consuming.
My fear is that it will allow Liverpool to wriggle their way into Europe by the back door yet again, anyone remember the whole 4th/5th place fiasco with Everton and Liverpool that saw both of them playing in the champions league?

You mean when the FA bottled it and instead of putting just Liverpool into the Champions League which was the correct thing to do they cried and got the rules changed so that Everton got in and Liverpool had to start from the 1st knockout stage.

Thankfully things evened themselves out and Everton didn't make it past their qualifier.

Yes I remember that, although I don't really want us to be in Europa League next season, we need to concentrate on the league so Everton can take it. Do you remember last season or the season before when everyone played their second string of players because it was a hopeless competition with far too many games?

I'd rather we were in the Europa League again next year than not in it. But I can see the benefits of not being there. Hopefully we can qualify it by winning the Europa League this season so that we get an automatic pass into the group stages.

You mean when super manager Martin O'Neill played a second string team against CSKA and got knocked out. Then they went without a win in their next 8 Premiership games. Genius.
Dont want to get involved in the 'discussion' too much, but its not becuase they are in administration, they freely admitted its because they forgot to send off the paperwork. Only when they realised thier mistake did UEFA/FA turn around and say OK you can submit your paperwork for a license late, but youve got to be out of administration by a certain date (first week of May i think)

My fear is that it will allow Liverpool to wriggle their way into Europe by the back door yet again, anyone remember the whole 4th/5th place fiasco with Everton and Liverpool that saw both of them playing in the champions league?

Well the rules should've allowed the winners a chance to defend their title and thats what it is now. The same will happen this year if we win the Europa League. I'm not too sure on this but if Liverpool win the Europa League does that mean that the spot would be given to Everton for finishing 8th? By the way I'm assuming that we will finish 7th and Everton 8th but I understand this may not happen.
Well the rules should've allowed the winners a chance to defend their title and thats what it is now. The same will happen this year if we win the Europa League. I'm not too sure on this but if Liverpool win the Europa League does that mean that the spot would be given to Everton for finishing 8th? By the way I'm assuming that we will finish 7th and Everton 8th but I understand this may not happen.

Well if Fulham get to the final they will be the club to get the spot other than that I have no idea, I thought it went to the fair play team which is like Burnley :S
But if Chelsea beat Portsmouth in the FA Cup final, isn't the point moot? Only the winner gets the qualifying place for Europe, so if Chelsea win (and since United won the Carling Cup) 5th, 6th and 7th from the Premier League will qualify for the Europa League?

So even if the FA approved the appeal, Portsmouth would still have to defeat Chelsea, who will either win the Premier League and be burning to get a double, or will lose the Premier League and be burning to salvage a trophy.

Argument is silly in my opinion, Portsmouth would get rolled in Europe anyway.