PS3 Fifa Tournament

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Sorry about that mate I checked their its Dean-Brezzy

no worries ;)

don't suppose you know how to add a poll? (or anyone really) i've looked in thread tools and i've got move, copy, delete and close thread. any ideas?
I know it says you want 32 and you have 16, which is probs a good number to do it with but if you are still after some more people then : TheBearJew89 and I would like to be Villareal. If you have decided to cut it off at 16 then no worries.
i would rather a league tbh, but not really bothered
I'm in, PSN ID - ob_14 and I'll be Roma. Although like JDH said if 16 is enough then no worries.
Do a draw on your computer and leave it up to everyone to organise matches between each other?
pretty much. there are random selectors (whatever you call them) on the internet that i've used before
Yeh mate do that, would be the best idea.
18, but 2 people said it's ok if it's full, i guess i can do one another time. ok i'll get on that then, i just thought it'd be more fun to play group stages aswell.
I think more people on this Website are Xbox 360 players so 16 ain't bad
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