Rafa Coming Back To Liverpool....?


Aug 21, 2009
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There are alot of rumours going round as you know that Rafa has been sacked by inter and it will go public once compensation is agreed

The bookies have made him favourite to succeed Hodgson already ( even though i believe Hodgson should be given a chance )

Fans still love Rafa, well the majority anyway and in my personal opinion he only left because of trouble with the owners.

I believe he has better contacts than Hodgson and would keep the big names and liverpool espeically the spanish one's.

Rafa woke up this morning to find these banners all over his house in Merseyside - which he still hasn't sold funnily enough.


So what do any Lpool fans think and do you think it realistically could happen..

IMO it is not going to happen but i would love it.. even though i like Hodgson, Rafa would still be my first choice
personally, i think hogson should be given more time though
Would be odd and I'd feel sorry for Roy but let's be honest he's a mid table manager... I wish this did happen but I highly doubt it
may be u like him cuz of 2005 ?

obviously he got us closer than anyone to the prem title and he won us europe when we had not a v.good team compared to others.. but i juts like the way he was and when in important matches we seemed to do well with him... plus torres was firing :p
All the hand writing on those flags seems to be the same..

And nah, i doubt that He'd get the chance to come back. Many teams 'protest' as such against the board or try to ask to get someone back and very rarely happens.. Look at Newcastle for example.
Rafa's talent > Hodgson, but Hodgson as a person > Rafa
getting way ahead of yourselves, you still have a manager, and rafa hasnt even been confirmed sacked yet
would be great if Rafa came back but it's highly unlikely. As Mike said people may be getting ahead of themselves
getting way ahead of yourselves, you still have a manager, and rafa hasnt even been confirmed sacked yet

not saying it going to happen... i dont think it will.. just speculation is everywhere bout it at min and i personally would like it... NESV said they will listen to fans and most fans want hodgson out so wont be long surely :/
not saying it going to happen... i dont think it will.. just speculation is everywhere bout it at min and i personally would like it... NESV said they will listen to fans and most fans want hodgson out so wont be long surely :/
fans are fickle, NESV will do it if they feel its in the long term interests of the club
fans are fickle, NESV will do it if they feel its in the long term interests of the club

i agree with you, most fans will think hodgson is god if he wins say 3/4 in a row

i have stuck behind him ever since he took over.. but rafa being re-appointed would just be too good to refuse even though i dont think it will happen