They will be in the 3rd divison, if they get put in a league, if not they prob wont exist on FM13. A few have says no to newco Rangers in the SPL/SFL 1.
made a rangers update in the 3 rd own backroom walter smith and ally mccoist as ma assistint
Hey M8, Jamie pointed me to here and was wondering if you could send me that file as well with Gers in Div 1, would be much appreciated.
[email protected]
Any chance you can bump Newco down to the lowest div. and send me that. i fancy taking the Gars back to greatness.. Also, cna you removed the history so they are 0 trophies etc so i can hunt down and topple the hoops!

Just bump a relevant team up a div. the most reputable will be fine.
If Newco end up in the third (and as a Clyde supporter I think they should) it would be stranraer and airdrie moving up the leagues as they both lost in the playoff finals. Also could I have a copy with them being in the 3rd, thanks
My email address is doak.aaron
Sorry 4 my english! I live in Barcelona.

It´s possible that someone could send me the Rangers patch, please?

My e-mail is [email protected]

Thanks LFCMarshall 4 your great work.|)
This is not a request thread for updates. There's threads for that already.
Sorry lads i deleted the older version with rangers in the 1st/3rd divisions

my update will be out 21st July which contains all of this with Rangers :)

PS: It is a REALLY easy game, you walk the league, scoring tons of goals and conceding hardly any
Just started with Rangers in the 3rd.. No cash. a decent 1st eleven but not much outside that and no cash. luckily you get taken over again pretty quick but cash is still low.. i got a couple of loan, and one £500k buy and thats it.