Hello Maxy,
any updates on the formation? Few days ago I became interested in catenaccio system, zona mista tried my hand at creating a tactic with various success and then found this thread.
I am wondering if you are still working on this formation or variations of it. Also, I have no idea how fresh is the formation linked in the OP.
Anyway, I had a look and I have few questions for you.
Why two central defenders are stoppers, as opposed to i.e. traditional defender with defend duty?
I imagine sweeper having much more free role, and yours is having no roaming and 1on1 set on. I'm having trouble making him 'work as intended', that is stay back and pick up any loose balls/cut the passes and NOT tight mark someone. Also, two defenders seem to place themselves a bit wider knowing there is sweeper behind them, it's driving me mad. : ) How would you comment on this, and how happy are you with your sweeper' settings?
May I suggest you think about including an 'inverted' version? I switched sides to all asymmetric positions in one save (as Tottenham, since they have brilliant Bale as Defensive Winger) to a pretty good success.
Well, certain positional freedom should be taken into the account. I also agree that setting Offensive Midfielder to Treqartista is somewhat good idea when you have very particular players to do the job. (in other save I had G. Rossi as treq in Villareal. Btw, Musacchio probably one of the better potential sweepers).
Did you test changing SW to LB with attacking duty? If so, share some comments. I did, but to very limited success. I cannot say that libero's roaming was hugely helpful offensively, it reminded me of ball playing defender, and it was an occasional headache defensively as he can be caught roaming nowhere to be found. Perhaps can be used with some Control/Short Passing approach, as I imagine he (att libero) would be an additional man to pass the ball to next to def midfielder. Alas, I didn't find him doing half as much as I'd imagine him to do.
Perhaps one day someone will come up with a tactic that utilizes libero in a very productive and satisfying way.
Do you use any shouts at all? I couldn't find a word about it in this thread. Perhaps they aren't that necessary since the whole tactic is very defined by the team settings anyway.
One last thing, it might be a good idea to remember about passing/tempo/mentality coordination. For example, when I play counter, I usually set D-line a bit deeper, and set passing to more direct and tempo to quick. When playing control, I like normal d-line, short passing and slow tempo. Think about it.
Overall I think you did a great job so far on this tactic as it works well defensively, and I do hope you'll continue to work on it and produce some variations.