Relationship Thread

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XD no promises have been made it will come us a complete surprise.Like promising a kid a dog and..... then having *** with them instead.... And the dog. In all seriousness though I prefer to play FIFA with the lads than a night out with a girl is what I mean.

You prefer a sausage fest where you all collectively play with men? Whatever floats your boat.
Any relationship when you're 14 is meaningless tbh, but yes and have had for some time.
I wouldn't say they're meaningless. I mean they kinda prepare you for things in later life I guess just on a much smaller scale.
I guess it depends what a 'night out with a girl' means in Sam's context. It could be her dragging you off to do shopping, dunno.
My experience of a girls night out is buying them the drinks and lookin after the dam handbags :@
Got to the point where I just buggered off to me mates and took all the cash with me and had a mental night
I guess it depends what a 'night out with a girl' means in Sam's context. It could be her dragging you off to do shopping, dunno.

For some reason, I can see it being something like this:

Girl asks Sam to come around her house, to chillax.
Girl phones 20 of her girl mates, and also invites them around to her house.
Sam arrives, to be met by 21 girls, they circle him, and then start a chant of 'Sam has a Mangina, Sam has a Mangina!' for a hour.
Sam returns home, a broken man, and finds comfort in playing fifa with his mates, who also all, coincidently, have manginas.
My experience of a girls night out is buying them the drinks and lookin after the dam handbags :@
Got to the point where I just buggered off to me mates and took all the cash with me and had a mental night

You whipped, boy, you whipped.

For some reason, I can see it being something like this:

Girl asks Sam to come around her house, to chillax.
Girl phones 20 of her girl mates, and also invites them around to her house.
Sam arrives, to be met by 21 girls, they circle him, and then start a chant of 'Sam has a Mangina, Sam has a Mangina!' for a hour.
Sam returns home, a broken man, and finds comfort in playing fifa with his mates, who also all, coincidently, have manginas.

Best thing is, he fell for it more than once.
You whipped, boy, you whipped.

Best thing is, he fell for it more than once.

That's why I don't do it no more tbh. Just not worth the hassle-or the expense. If I'm not mistaken, last year had a night out and spent what must have been about £90-£130. I had 1 drink bought and she nicked off with it. And I've pretty much told her why I hate goin out with her and her mates. She wants to go out with me with her mates there, she pays for my drink this time, doesn't take my drink before i start it, and her and her mates use the ****** cloakroom for handbags. Strangely she never asks me to have a night out. No idea why......
Cor if my missus acted like that, I would slap some sense into her with a old smelly kipper.
Cor if my missus acted like that, I would slap some sense into her with a old smelly kipper.

Been tempted like believe me lol. But it's been decided (by me of course), that it's much more financially viable to just go to mates houses anyway. Plus there's a safe place to pass out, and if you're going to chunter you don't have to wait to use the bog lol
For some reason, I can see it being something like this:Girl asks Sam to come around her house, to chillax.Girl phones 20 of her girl mates, and also invites them around to her house.Sam arrives, to be met by 21 girls, they circle him, and then start a chant of 'Sam has a Mangina, Sam has a Mangina!' for a hour.Sam returns home, a broken man, and finds comfort in playing fifa with his mates, who also all, coincidently, have manginas.
Thanks for that incredibly realistic picture of my life :'(But seriously being dragged around the shops occurs far more XD And that story Dunc is all realistic until the chant, cos I often get surrounded by 21 girls.
I fail to see the downside. Unless they're munters to a woman, of course.
Didnt say there was a downside, cos they're never munters ;), just saying that sometimes 'dude time' can be more enjoyable. Btw I now have a mental picture of being surrounded by 21 Dawn French's though :( Like a dream come true
Had a :( at end of th sentence.

You can't regain respect following Dawn hate.
So you're gay?

I prefer chilling indoors with some lads playing a few rounds of FIFA than going on a night out with a lass, but mostly because the girls I know won't engage in public ***. What other positives are there?
I prefer chilling indoors with some lads playing a few rounds of FIFA than going on a night out with a lass, but mostly because the girls I know won't engage in public ***. What other positives are there?

To be fair though, you do look like a seedy Iranian child raper... so I can't say I blame the girls.

I always wondered how you got so good at Cod..
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