I might get bad rep points for this long post but hey who cares??
Your Reputation points total is displayed in your usercp - also the last 100 reps you have received are displayed together with the last 10 reps you have given out. You can always see the name of the member you have given reps to. However, to see the name of those who have repped you, you must have at least 450 points, at least 50 posts, and have been a member for at least 30 days.
Your Reputation Power is the number of points you give when you rep someone else, and is calculated as follows ;
Your Green (positive) Reputation Power is ;
* One point for every 1000 posts you have made.
* One point for every 250 points of reputation you have.
* One point for each 365 days you have been a member.
Note: This value is capped at 50
Your Red (negative) repping power is the same value as your green repping power. You can see your current power in your usercp.
For a rep to count you must have at least 10 points, and have made at least 1 post. Non counting reps are displayed as Grey.
You can give a maximum of 20 reputation "hits" per 24 hour period, and must rep at least five different people before you can rep the same person again (Administrators are exempt from these two limits).
Here are the current Reputation Levels;
* -50 to -10 can only hope to improve
* -10 to 0 has a little shameless behaviour in the past
* 0 to 20 is an unknown quantity at this point
* 21 to 75 is on a distinguished road
* 76 to 150 will be famous soon enough
* 151 to 300 has a spectacular aura about
* 301 to 450 is a jewel in the rough
* 451 to 600 is just really nice
* 601 to 750 is a glorious beacon of light
* 751 to 1000 is a name known to all
* 1001 to 1250 is a Splendid one to behold
* 1251 to 1500 has much to be proud of
* 1501 to 1750 has a brilliant future
* 1751 to 2000 has a reputation beyond repute
* 2001 to 3600 has entered a golden reputation era
* 3601 to 5200 is the helpful one
* 5201 to 6800 is just so famous around these parts
* 6801 to 8400 is a pillar of society
* 8401 to 10000 is an absolute star
* 10001 onwards is a king among king's
A number of green & golden pips are used to show other users your reputation level. The first five pips are dull green, the next five are bright green, then you can have up to 10 golden pips (after that is currently a secret).
Each pip in it's colour group has a set value, the dull green () are currently worth 150, the light green () are worth 250 and the gold () are worth 800 - so 3 dark green would mean you have up to 450 points (but more than 300), while 5 dark and 2 light would mean between 1251 and 1500. The first gold pip is at 2001 points. A full set means you have between 9201 and 10000 points.
At 10001 points - You get a large golden star () and the pips sequence is "reset" to start again. This happens for every 10,000 points.
The reputation system is not there to be abused, and anyone who uses it to send abusive comments to other users will be dealt with. Please report any abusive reps to the team. Persistant red repping of people for dubious reasons will also be considered abuse of the system.
Please refrain from the following ;
1. Asking other members to rep someone on your behalf - this is by-passing the limits we have set, and such reps will be liable to be removed.
2. Giving "sympathy" reps, where someone complains they got unjustly red repped, again this defeats the purpose of the system.
3. Asking for reps (rep whoring).
Removal of reps will normally only happen if ;
1. You gave a rep in error.
2. You received an abusive rep.
3. You received a revenge rep.
4. The rep (or reps) are, in our view, an apparent abuse of the system.
In all cases contact the team - but remember (and to repeat from above) - we will not remove any rep simply because you do not think you deserved it (what some may call unjust reps). Also remember that we do check the system occasionally to make sure it isn't being abused.
As far as point 4 goes, we will decide if the system is being abused or not - this could, for example, be one person regularly red repping one or more another members for what we think are trivial reasons. Equally, it could also be one person regularly green repping another to simply boost their score - this is just as much an abuse of the system.
Please use the system wisely, and as it was intended.