Request a Player screenshot Fm12

Moritz Leitner six years in or so plz..

Ps: Also i would like to se Verrati but at the age of 28 or so..
I've noticed that, that's when they are really beastly..:p

Can I have the screenshot of the following players (after 2014)

neil taylor - lb
lamine gassama - rb
marco calderoni - lb
ryan shawcross - cb
joe allen - dmc/mc
derick boyata - dc


bump and thanks ! =)
thanks yo. the mental stats look great, its only the technicals that bad. is he a flop in your save ?

Dunno, haven't managed in England for 4 years, and haven't played Liverpool in any Euro comps since.
Screenshot of Khouma Babacar in 2017 or later, please :) He was a monster in FM11!
Can anyone post Richard Stearman, Frazier Campbell and Sam Vokes from 2015+
Can I please get a screenshot of Erik Lamela in 2018+.
Last edited:
Can anyone post Richard Stearman, Frazier Campbell and Sam Vokes from 2015+
