Road to Glory Training Schedules by RedemPtor - FM2012

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I seem to have a very very strange issue with these training schedules that i've never come across before, basically, when I load up the schedules and place all my players ( Except youth ) into the FP pre season training my coaches seem to loose a couple of stars, it took me ages to narrow down the problem to this schedule, has anyone else encountered this??
Your coaches are not loosing any stars. The FP pre-season training schedule aims to train mostly strenght, aerobics and tactics; Therefore, when you place all players in this schedule, there will be no player training defence, finishing, etc. and the coaches selected for this areas will not be training, so their real stars are not shown. Try placing ate least 1 player in "Midfielder" schedule and you will see that their real stars show up correctly.
Yes. I usually send promising youngsters on loan, when they are 19/20 years old and they are not expected to play much in my team.
I really love the training. I had been using Raikan's schedules, but must admit I think there are too many confusing options. I reccomend this training because it is simple and easy to use, plus so far it has been effective. The preseason training is awesome and something I haven't seen before. I started off the season in superb form so for that I thank you. Great Job!
Thank you! It is other players' comments that make it worth developing this Training Schedules. In the meantime, I have made some improvements, but, as FM 2013 is coming, probably I will wait and work on the next game.

However, if anyone is interested in these improved training schedules, just send me a message and I will send them by e-mail.
Thank you! It is other players' comments that make it worth developing this Training Schedules. In the meantime, I have made some improvements, but, as FM 2013 is coming, probably I will wait and work on the next game.

However, if anyone is interested in these improved training schedules, just send me a message and I will send them by e-mail.
would love to try them [email protected] thanks
Hi! In what schedule do you use the deeplying playmaker and inside forward? :)
Hi. You can place the deeplying playmakerin my "ATT Midfielder" training schedule and the inside forward either on "Speed Striker" or "Power Striker", depending on his characteristics.
Hi again! Why dont you have a pre season schedule for the youth team? or do i just put them in the senior squads pre season? :)
Pre-season schedules are mostly designed to improve physical attributes and condition. Young players should improve technical attributes, otherwise, it is not worth spending time developing their physical attributes for a short period of time as the pre-season. Therefore, just put them in the training schedule they have the most adequate skills to develop.
Hi! Where do i put a CM Support player in this schedule? Midfielder (designed for all-round Central Midfielders) ?