Row Over Claim Pakistanis Groom White Girls

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  • Bad Timing and will cause racial tension.

    Votes: 7 46.7%
  • Worthy news and should be made public.

    Votes: 7 46.7%
  • Political Motivation coinciding with By-Election.

    Votes: 1 6.7%

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Dec 1, 2009
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If ever a story had all the ingredients to turn into a huge and nasty row, this is the one.
Former home secretary Jack Straw has sparked a row after claiming there is a problem with young Pakistani men grooming and sexually abusing vulnerable white girls.

The Blackburn MP talked of a "specific problem" involving Pakistani men who were "fizzing and popping with testosterone".

He added that a minority of these young men considered vulnerable white girls as "easy meat".

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Do you think this will cause even more tension across the UK??
From what I can see from here Practically all young south Asian males (already feared as suicide bombers) are now liable to be labelled as child rapists too. :S
surely he wouldnt say it if it wasnt happening a lot? and if its happening a lot, then its a problem :(
Another politician that hasn't got a frickin clue
Very bad thing to say, especially as an MP. If anybody else said things like that, they'd be jailed. Just shows once again that they think they're exempt from the law.
Another politician that hasn't got a frickin clue

During recessionary times when people are feeling the pinch, racial tensions can reach fever pitch. With people blaming 'Johnny Foreigner' for taking their jobs.. welfare payments etc..

**** like this just stirs it up even more.:mad:
Just proves that some MPs are just not fit to hold onto their jobs
Racist to pakistanis

gawd read the article

"Mohammed Shafiq, director of the Muslim youth group the Ramadhan Foundation, rejected any suggestion such abuse was "ingrained" in Britain's Pakistani community, but he said it was an issue. He said: "I first raised this two or three years ago and I got a lot of stick within the community from people who said I was doing the work of the BNP and stigmatising them."

even this asian guy is saying its an issue
Racist to pakistanis
Its not racist at all. There is a minority of young Pakistani men who choose to abuse young girls and when they do they choose young white western girls. This is something that Pakistani people themselves know about and are trying hard to stamp out. Jack Straw is stating facts here. It is a minority and it should also be said that the vast majority of child *** offenders behind bars are white men.
People are getting confused in Britain...

Asian does not = Muslim

Asian = Race

Muslim = Relegion

Pakistani = Most (99%) are muslim

Why do they keep saying Asian?????? Giving other Asian Religions a bad name such as Hindu's and Sikh's!!!!!
Another politician that hasn't got a frickin clue

Na mate you aint got a clue, normally i would say what a fool, but it does happen and i have seen it first hand on new years eve/ new years day
I admit (again), I stand corrected after reading it properly :$
The problem is with men of any race, religion or culture grooming vulnerable young girls. Can't really pin it to any particular group.
Its not racist at all. There is a minority of young Pakistani men who choose to abuse young girls and when they do they choose young white western girls. This is something that Pakistani people themselves know about and are trying hard to stamp out. Jack Straw is stating facts here. It is a minority and it should also be said that the vast majority of child *** offenders behind bars are white men.

someone with sense :) i hate the way people use the term racist at any available opportunity these days...
Racist to pakistanis

Weren't you the guy who said you hated Pakistani's in the Pet Hate thread ?

On Topic : His claims are completely ridiculous. Imo his claim tars all Pakistani men with the same brush, obviously some aspect of his claim maybe true. But surely any race of man could groom white girls ?
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it does happen, you hear of it in leicester, maybe blackburn if hes talking about it, and im sure they arnt the only places its happened. derby is mentioned in the article? it dont matter what race it is, it shouldnt happen and somethings got to be done? it just so happens that in this case, he is talking about pakistanis.
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Just proves that some MPs are just not fit to hold onto their jobs

Bull **** you people all talk like your perfect, if they can't do their job why don't you do it for them ?? Why didnt you study politics and run the country so it can be perfect ?? Why do you even vote if you think these men/women can't do their jobs ?... These men/women do their best to keep you safe and make sure the public interest is at centre of attention yet people like you go around judging like people do not make mistakes in life... i know this may come across stereo typical but what do you want him to do, say nothing and allow it to continue ?... or say asians instead of pakistani and enrage all asians ??
Bad thing to say... if true even worse

i seriously think you should close the thread though because people are never going to stop arguing.. they do on most threads but this one is just the easiest thing to disagree on
Something has to be done, but when theres "people" like that, its' doubtful it can be stamped out totally. Admittedly, up here in Newcastle, as far as i can recall, there's not been a case of that reported.

---------- Post added at 09:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:04 PM ----------

Bull **** you people all talk like your perfect, if they can't do their job why don't you do it for them ?? Why didnt you study politics and run the country so it can be perfect ?? Why do you even vote if you think these men/women can't do their jobs ?... These men/women do their best to keep you safe and make sure the public interest is at centre of attention yet people like you go around judging like people do not make mistakes in life... i know this may come across stereo typical but what do you want him to do, say nothing and allow it to continue ?... or say asians instead of pakistani and enrage all asians ??

I've already admitted I was wrong, after reading it
to me it just seems like he is trying to bring wider attention to a problem that is mainly known about in the pakistani community, thats all. :)